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I know how it is to be a game dev on a deadline and have ideas of how to expand on a project, how it can be fixed or added to, etc. So please understand if I mention things you already want to fix or add.

1) Good to see an options menu, even offers a fullscreen toggle. Game window even allows for resizing it at the user's discretion. I don't love how it can distort the graphics, but then I'm a spriteart resolution purist so this is a minor quibble at best

2) When the player on the menu goes from the title to the level select or to the options, and vice versa, having the blocks all jump off the screen is a very cool presentational decision

3) I have to admit the "RESTART LVL" prompt in the tutorial threw me off, to me it looks like a lowercase 'a' more than a 'Q' key. The size of the keyboard graphics doesn't give you a lot to work with, and I can empathise with that since I've made a bunch of sprite fonts before

4) When the tank-treads robot is active, there is a box represented by trails of 'ants' [like in Photoshop] that shows where the player is supposed to jump on top of the robot. The game seems to treat the width of the box as the width of the invisible "platform" on top of the robot. This is good, as it's more forgiving towards the player positioning themselves on the robot, but it can mean the player is floating above and to the side of the tank-treads robot as it moves around and it looks unintentional (even though the player is technically floating a little above the ground at all times). It's a minor quibble, but it may help if the platform actually drawn above the robot were stretched out to fit the whole invisible box, without stretching the collision detection of the robot itself

5) Still in the tutorial, and I think something needs to be elaborated on. It's clearly conveyed you have to power up the robot, but what I expected to have to do afterwards was get the robot to the wall and jump from the robot to the top of the wall. Which didn't work, the player's jump height didn't reach it. Instead you push the robot to the wall, then push the player towards the wall and it slides up and over onto the top. While I had all the time in the world to figure this out eventually, I don't feel this was the solution conveyed to me in the tutorial (especially with the control explanation for "Jump" next to the wall). The slide also seems to be a one-time check; if I move from the platform to the ground and back on, then push at the wall, I won't slide up. Though, if I simply jump on the robot and move it towards the wall, then the player slides all the way up by themselves

5a) I hadn't realised the robot was capable of pushing its platform upward until the first proper level - the robot isn't allowed to fall down pits, so it floats over them. The platform and its supports can be seen behind the robot, and the supports end shortly before the robot's position. I might have been to blame for not trying out the full "Up, Down, Left, Right" robot control prompts in the tutorial, but a combination of these two things gave me a very "aha, so that's how that works" moment

6) In the second level I can give the walking robot [in the shaft at the bottom of the level] the battery, so it walks through the blocks and then stops again. Then I walk over to the leftmost wall of where I'm in, and slide up the wall, grabbing the battery, and going through the ceiling. This lets me inside the black void at the top of the screen, letting me go right and completing the level. This isn't the intended solution (the actual level path involving the spider robot is pretty cool, I like the wall/ceiling-climbing movement), I just wanted to point out it can be exploited for an easy 3-star rating

7) There doesn't seem to be a reliable way to keep the spinning robot alive in the third level. If I hold the acceleration down too much the battery drains much faster, I understand. But holding back, the robot either makes it up to the two small walls beyond the battery, or the wall jutting out from the ceiling, and runs out at either point. Knowing when each robot has run out of battery is clearly conveyed, but the actual amount could do with a visible meter overhead, or ideally something that keeps with the relative lack of UI

Overall I like the concept, I think there's some potential here. There could see more levels being made between 01 and 02 with the platform/tank-treads robot, doing everything you can with that formula, before moving onto the block-breaking and spider-crawling robots and wringing every level idea you can from those, before moving on from there with even more robot ideas. A football-themed level where you switch from robot to robot as each takes the ball from one to the next?

(4 edits)

Thanks for taking  your time to write all of this^,..,^

 3) i knew about this xD

 4) don't really understand.

7) i added a simple ui for now.

Move speed uses delta time, looks like i forgot to add delta when checking  for collision. this is probably the reason, hard to tell cuz sliding up walls does not happen when i play test.

Thanks again for the feedback.