Thanks so much for checking it out and taking the time to leave feedback :3 I'm glad you liked it! I'll let the voice actors know too :D
A few people have said similar things about the bathroom shower scene, haha. I actually made it like that on purpose x3 I wanted it to last the duration of the SFX (approx 20 seconds) mainly because I listen to a lot of audio dramas and they do that sort of thing in those. For me personally, when I come across stuff like that in audio dramas, I like it cos for me it increases immersion, but I can totally see how it would be frustrating for people playing a game + might come across as a bug, so I will change that when the jam is over :3
Originally, I was just gonna make this as an audio drama with art and no text at all. Then a few days in, I decided that I would have text after all, cos if there's no text then anyone with a hearing impairment would have no idea what's going on if it's audio-only.
As for the UI buttons at the bottom, I agree! :3 Sadly, there's not much I can do about that :( I'm using Tyranobuilder because I'm not a programmer, and since the jam was quite short, I didn't make the UI from scratch. I used GIMP + ComiPo to edit the appearance of one of Tyrano's UI templates, which means I can't remove any of the buttons. I can take away the image of a button, but the button itself would still be there and function if someone accidentally clicked there x3 Editing the UI appearance took me quite a few hours, so there definitely wasn't time for me to make a UI from scratch that looks better. I might be able to spend more time to change it after the jam though :D