Yay! *high five* audio dramas are awesome :D I would really love to make more stuff kinda like this! As much as I love working on big projects, there's something really fun about making smaller things :3 I am currently working on an audio drama series alongside my big VN main project, and I'd like to make the audio drama series into a kinda hybrid VN thing like I've done with this eventually. Money is always a big problem for me, especially when I can't draw >.< It means I have no choice but to edit free sprites or cheap ones I've bought cos there's no way I can afford to hire an artist :( haha.
I really suck at anticipating how players might play anything I make >.< I'm an absolute maniac for saving in all games that allow you to save, and I forget that not everyone is gonna be an obsessive saver like me! So I was just thinking that people would save frequently, and the waits in those scenes wouldn't be an issue cos no one would be starting the game again from the beginning, they'd just be loading nearby saves. I really need to try and get better at learning to think how a range of players might think when playing my stuff :3