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I can confirm that the sound is totally fine on my PC :D I think I have an idea as to what's going on with my laptop, haha. I've noticed a pattern that it seems to be a whole bunch of Unity games are playing without sound on my laptop >.< it's happened a few times now and I have no idea why, but it's always the Unity ones for some reason.

Anyways, so glad I could play it properly on my PC cos it was pretty darn cool! :3

I didn't get the best scores in the world, but I got out alive, and that's what counts, haha.

Got the reactor photo, found and filled the gas can, only 18/40 scientists found, and only 5/15 teddy bears found x3

Like I said earlier though, it looks so pretty :3 I really love the camera as your main tool. I was considering giving up on the keypad when I suddenly found the answer by accident and went, oooooh xD

Those creatures are pretty darn creepy with their murmuring demonic voices and stalking behaviour! The ones that were faster at the end had me sprinting away for my life, haha. Loved how they were only properly visible when pointing the camera at em :3 Having to back off while filling the gas tank up was pretty tense too.

I did encounter a bit of a bug where when filling the gas canister for the first time, I got about halfway, and then suddenly my body began slowly floating away into the air like a balloon x3 It didn't stop, so I just restarted the game, and it was absolutely fine filling the canister the second time around.

Forgot to say I liked the opening scene as well! Oh, and was I seeing things, or did that creature have its demon wang out at the end as you drive away? :o


Wow thank you for feedback! There are definitely some bugs we'll need to revisit.. It's amazing how quickly project-scope can outrun time - you think you have more than you got! Really appreciate you trying the game out and uh, yep; that's a demon wang.


Thank you for making a nifty game :D Yeah, my entry has a couple of bugs too :( haha. They're not super serious, but it annoyed me that I didn't have time to fix em before the deadline was up! One requires an answer from the devs of the engine I'm using cos it's an issue with their default config settings.

Ooooh, yes! I definitely made the mistake of thinking I had more time than I did xD I spent the first couple of days half-working on my main project + half on my jam entry, thinking that I was gonna have more than enough time to finish the jam stuff. Then I encountered issues with how I wanted to implement stuff, forgot how awfully slow my laptop is when I was unable to continue working on a PC, and lost a bunch of progress due to the engine having a panic attack >.< Soooo, the last few jam days were very stressful, haha. Started thinking I wasn't gonna make it!

Sounds kinda wrong, but I'm glad that it's demon wang xD Otherwise that would have meant I was just imagining the darn thing's wang instead, haha.

I dunno why more people haven't rated your game yet anyways cos it's great! I recommended it on the appropriate Discord channel, but I have no idea if anyone reads the recs or not >.<