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This must have been a lot of work for your first game, during a game jam! Not to mention making the puzzles around runes. I must admit, I am no riddle games fan, but when I saw the runes I hoped I could cheat my way to easily beat the game since I know runes as well. Yet it proved quite the challenge, and really provided the thrill of wanting to solve the puzzle! XD

Anyway, I am very glad you aren't daunted by the stress you went through. Good luck with your future projects! :D


Thank you! Yeah, it was very difficult to make, with no experience and on a super short time limit! 

Glad it was challenging, and thank you for playing it. I've learnt a lot, and now I know what skills I'm lacking in I'll hopefully be able to improve. The main things I need to learn now is version control and how to keep code modular so changing a line doesn't break the whole game, haha.

I might revisit this game in the future, but I'd want to rewrite it from the ground up.

Thanks for giving it a go!


Thats the right mindset!
What I can recommend for version control is github, perhaps you've heard of it? There are also other softwares and services out there of course, though my team and I are comfortable with github (gitkraken to be specific). As for modular coding, I can't give a lot of feedback for I don't code a lot myself! I hope the internet can help you further.


Thanks! I've heard of github, but never used it, so I'll definitely look into it!

Thanks again, FairFire :)