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I know how it is to be a game dev on a deadline and have ideas of how to expand on a project, how it can be fixed or added to, etc. So please understand if I mention things you already want to fix or add.

0) A jam game having an option settings is a lot to ask for, so it's nice to be able to toggle the volume settings for music and sound individually

1) Having the option of character at the start was a nice choice for the player, though it seems to be just cosmetic. I'm assuming in a future version of the game, you want to create different levels and scenarios for each character, so I'm fine if both characters act the same for now

2) Being able to click where the player will walk to with the mouse, and click on characters to walk up to them and interact with them, on top of using the right mouse click to bring up the menu, is quite helpful. It's a nice alternative to using the arrow keys, and would help the game's transition to touchscreen tablets or phones. I think if you're allowed to use the mouse, there should be a button onscreen you can click that stops time, so that the player can mostly navigate through the game with mouse or with keyboard. I don't know how difficult that would be to program in RPG Maker, though

2) The cat told me I could stop time during the tutorial, but not the key to press. I had to check a lot of different keyboard keys to find it. After sneaking a peak at Sun's review, there's apparently a button that changes the state of the flames in the boss fight as well, but I couldn't find it

3) I couldn't advance beyond the boss fight sadly. Interesting I never actually died during the fight, even with my health at 0

Saying all that I had fun with the main level and getting around the obstacles. The presentation was quite charming, it reminded me a little of the French RPG Maker project "OFF". If you are interested in expanding on this game with different boss types, time-related powers, etc etc, I would like to play that