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A very nice and simplistic game. I like the minimalistic approach to the game and the poly themed design. The levels were fun and I liked how they increased in difficulty as it progressed. It gave off Portal2 CO-OP vibes where you had two players who have to step on certain buttons to unlock rooms for the other one.

The only thing I had trouble with, and suggest improving, was the input for the flip. The mechanic and idea for the board flip is a really good one, however I found myself accidently flipping the board when I only wanted to move one space as I didn't hold the button down for long enough so I'd say to make the board flip when the player double taps, that way there is less chance of them accidently flipping it when they only want to move one space. 

Other than that its a very good game and stands out

Okay, double tap to flip the map? I think I'll try and implement that if I do end up uploading it to the google playstore - Any other suggestions?

I'd say, if you are gonna put it on the paystore, you don't have to restrain controls to one button so you could create two boards next to each other and make the player have to control 4 cubes at once, to increase difficulty. You could also make the snakes go horizontally, to increase urgency to move