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A member registered Oct 28, 2020 · View creator page →

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I'd say, if you are gonna put it on the paystore, you don't have to restrain controls to one button so you could create two boards next to each other and make the player have to control 4 cubes at once, to increase difficulty. You could also make the snakes go horizontally, to increase urgency to move

Nice game concept and smooth mechanics. Reminds me of the arrow stage from Geometry dash. It's  nice level of difficulty, setting a challenge but not being impossible

The only things I'd change would be to add an animation to the helicopter and also make the restart time a lot quicker, as you have to wait a while before you can play again. Other than that its a nice game.

I like the concept for this game along with it's "super hot" red and white aesthetic. It reminds me of geometry dash but 3D. Nice and smooth, as well as challenging.

The only thing I would suggest changing is to make the white blocks opaque. The fact that their translucent messes up the perspective a bit, as you can see the shadows through the block making it a lot harder to tell when you need to jump. Apart from this, it's a very nice game.

A very nice and simplistic game. I like the minimalistic approach to the game and the poly themed design. The levels were fun and I liked how they increased in difficulty as it progressed. It gave off Portal2 CO-OP vibes where you had two players who have to step on certain buttons to unlock rooms for the other one.

The only thing I had trouble with, and suggest improving, was the input for the flip. The mechanic and idea for the board flip is a really good one, however I found myself accidently flipping the board when I only wanted to move one space as I didn't hold the button down for long enough so I'd say to make the board flip when the player double taps, that way there is less chance of them accidently flipping it when they only want to move one space. 

Other than that its a very good game and stands out

Nice game, I like the game concept and the theme of it. The blood is designed well.

I'd suggest, to improve, just increaser the speed of the player, as it feels too slow, also make the warning a lot quicker and random as then it gives players the choice to either risk still moving, to gain extra distance, or if they should stop to stay safe. Other than that, a nice game.

Very nice game. I like the character design and the different poses she strikes. The games fun and works well with the music.

Very nice game, I like the level layouts and how smooth the game runs, there's no clunkiness. The way you worked out a way to control the direction the ball moves was impressive as well, as it didn't require another keypress.

The only other thing I would suggest is to make it possible to hit the ball much further as there were times I wanted to go straight to the hole and it'd take like 4 more hits as the ball has a limit on how far it can go. Apart from that I enjoyed this game.

I really enjoyed this game, it is very unique. I like how you mapped out the beats to the key presses so the player can play long with the background song. ( I also like heavier music so that helped ;) ). The backgrounds were appealing and were well contrasted to the big notes, making them stand out.

The only thing I'd suggest adding would be a scoring system based on how accurate you were with hitting the notes, such as "perfect=10" - "good=5" - "ok=2" etc. I think that would make it a lot more challenging. Other than that though this is one of the games that stood out to me and played a few times. Nice work :))

I really like the art style and aesthetic in this game. Gives off chill vibes. A part that stood out to me was the parallax scrolling. This always looks great in games and you pulled it off really well.  The game is challenging but not too hard which makes it nice to play.

The only things I would suggest, to improve it, would be firstly to change the characters colour or give him something that makes him stand out from the background. I'd also make the camera lock onto him when he's in the middle of the screen as, along with the change of colour, it would make him a lot easier to focus on instead of him being small and on the far left of the screen with the same colour scheme as the background. Other than that I really enjoyed this game.

I really like the art style for this game along with its challenging gameplay. The music in the background also makes for a nice atmosphere

The only thing I would adjust with this game is its difficulty. It 's fun that it is a hard game, however some parts are a bit too tricky, especially the first gap. I'd just suggest giving the player a bit more room to make small mistakes. Other than that I really enjoyed playing this.

Very well made game. Beautiful art style and creative game mechanics, especially for a one button game.