Alright everyone, here's a review of the game that'll probably get lost in the reviews because of how many people are playing it and promoting their video (I would know because I'm gonna be one of those people BUT LISTEN UP IF YOU JUST INTEND TO PLAY IT YOURSELF). The game itself doesn't bring anything new to the horror genre, but what it does SO RIGHT is the atmosphere of the setting. Honestly, you're just in a basement level floor. Sure, creepy as all basements are, but oh god. You can barely see anything. Everything you can see you have to be right in front of to have a clear view. You're walking and you're expecting to be scared at every corner. This game legit has made me scared to progress so many times, and I feel like that's a good thing in a horror game. I was a little confused as to the controls here and there, but I seemed to get the hang of it after a while. If you guys are looking for a horror game to play, this is definitely a good pick up as it is short, and that's why you see so many people covering it. If you guys are interested in a gameplay, you can check out mines here, but I'd also suggest watching others' gameplay as well! We may not have all the perspectives of the game, so if you want the full effect, I'd watch multiple gameplays. Hope this review helped you guys, and I hope this doesn't get buried in the reviews lmao