This is pretty cute :3 I'm a bit stuck (generally not very good at figuring what to do in most games, haha.) I'm probably not gonna describe what I've done/where I am up to so far very well, but I can try!
So, I've gotten the angel's eye and entered the dungeons. Inside the dungeon room through a wardobe I got 1 spirit of power and saw the blood on the wall which reads '+3'. The other dungeon gates are locked, but I exited to the sewers and found the water spirit. Outside the mansion I found someone in a small section of woods. Inside the mansion, I discovered a suspicious fireplace, but it said that there were too many people around to check it out further. I got the fairy dust in the kitchen and put it all in the food x3 (while rubbing my hands together in anticipation, haha) and I got more fairy dust, gave it to the chef, who then told me to deliver to the bride, which I did. After delivering to the bride and getting the engagement ring, I can't figure out what the next thing I can do is >.< I've checked all the doors I can see, and tried clicking on everything to see if it will give me any hidden items, but I must be missing something.
Anyways, I always appreciate story-focused games, especially if they have multiple endings :3