If I went for more compact land, it'd probably look less weird to me. Unfortunately, trying to be optimal (getting limestone, blocking rivals, avoiding being blocked, and now maximizing province size) tends to make my land look like a gerrymandering victim (see the eastmost area in the above pic), especially with river/mountain gaps.
For the curious, the next three areas I took in the above game were north of the eastmost province, north of that (both to block the northeasterners), and south of the southmost province (to prevent me form being blocked). I finally started filling in gaps afterwards.
I see two more potential issues:
(6) Since you can't own a big river, you can't build a bridge over it (which may or may not be your intention, given how long bridging some major rivers took; the first permanent bridge over the lower half of the Yangtze wasn't finished until 1957!).
(7) Since you're not officially adjacent to the other side of a big river, that may probably interfere with religion crossing the river, despite it being only a short ride away.