I apologize for my lack of posting; I've been sidetracked by other things. I'm glad the governor shortage is finally over, but I've noticed five things that may or may not be bugs:
(1) Because big rivers are not considered part of a usable area, it's not possible to have a province cross them. Historically, that wasn't an issue; for example, ancient egyptian nomes were usually on both sides of the Nile.
(2) If there are mountains next to a river, they're placed in the same area as the river, even though a mountain probably doesn't count as a river. ;)
(3) Every single chunk of mountains gets its own name, even if it's diagonal to another mountain or an individual mountain inside a flat area (Mightybronze Plain and Tallwall Fields are both mountains surrounded by the same area, Widebronze Fields).
(4) Because it's not possible to control individual mountains or big rivers, the minimap gives you a sliced-up swiss cheese look. If you've played the recent paradox games, you've noticed that if a country has a majority of the areas next to an unusable area, that area is colored with the player's color; I recommend doing something similar on the minimap (and, if needed, dividing big rivers into Upper Sneaky Stream, Middle Sneaky Stream, and Lower Sneaky Stream).
(5) If you have no tribes on the Known Tribes window (I found two, but both are separated by a big river, so technically not adjacent), all the words are crammed into the upper-left corner.
Here's an image with (most of) the issues.