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(2 edits)

"From what you have written down I'm wondering if you already have some ideas on how to handle the resolution of the Resistance vs. Breaking the Prisoner. I'm curious if you plan it to be a quick resolution with rolling or if you envision it as a longer scene with backs and forths!"

Thank you for such a posi look at my first draft.

I wasn't clear enough on this, but the token gathering/spending is the mechanics, so no rolling. When The Prisoner RESISTS then The Village will BREAK them down. However, they will build up INDEPENDENCE tokens which can be spent for FREEDOM and the removal of control over their life. As the AREAS OF CONTROL over The Prisoner are reduced we get closer and closer to FALL OUT, where either the individual SUBMITS by the state of affairs and submits to being controlled or The Prisoner understands the INTERCONNECTED nature of life and gains lasting freedom through this. I'll try to tighten up my text.

As for how long you decide to narrate if, that kinda sits with each table at the moment. Do you think it would it be better if I were to give some stricter scene framing?  

Uhhm, right! I imagined that would be the case, I just wasn't understanding you could choose one or the other.

> As for how long you decide to narrate if, that kinda sits with each table at the moment. Do you think it would it be better if I were to give some stricter scene framing?  

Not necessarily! From reading the text I got the sensation the game could either play at a slower pace or pretty fast depending on the group. I think it might be cool to have some sample courses of action for each Area of Control that give scene seeds, but not necessarily a stricter scene framing. I'm just making things up though. It will be easier to have a clearer opinion after trying it out!


Scene seeds! I love that idea. I think the game has defo grown from the A5 (folded A4 sheet) game I thought it was, up to a small A6 pocket zine, and now with this would probs be a better suited to an proper A5 zine. Woo-wee! 

Any suggestions for scene seeds would be welcomed!

oh nooooo don't give yourself more work😆

sure, if anything sparks my mind i'll let you know !