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(1 edit) (+2)(-3)

MC is so fucking ugly that its unplayable. Just redo his face, I can only imagine how many people delete the game once they see him. 


Hi there,

Thanks for your comment.

I've been getting that complaint more often lately.
I personally thought it was hilarious because the game changes very much over time.

In any case, the prologue will be skippable in the next update for the players that don't want to deal with his face.


yeah and miss that much content? Way to bury your own game


for having played is game two time and asking if the prologue was usefull, she/he answer it had no meaningful choise, it is here to add a bit more to the story.

It is a good thing to skip if we already see it. Either way you skip only 12 day that change nothing to the story. (I would suggeste to show the last day, where we "die" to be sure everyone enderstand what happened)

Yeah that will be an option, the other option will be 5 minute summary of the story.

Choices and freedom for the player.


"I can imagine how many people delete the game once they see him"

You mean you and no one else, right? XD

If you don't like it, do it better. I also don't like when the MC's face is shown at all because it is a serious blow on the overall immersion of the player, but this is isn't a reason to act like an ass.