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(2 edits)

In playing this wonderful game, I had some random thoughts and things I noticed, I've listed them here.

- When picking up health, the percent amount seems to be more or a vague number, seeing how my health doubled on the first pickup.
- In the short amount of time given after 6am to move around, I noticed I could still pick up items on the ground, but not souls, leading to a sad good score instead of a perfect score.
- I wish I could explore the forest or do something when it's not night, especially given the story of the game.
- I find the game easy in terms of difficulty, it took me until night 5 to actually take damage and even then I was able to heal if off right away. I did notice it ramped up swiftly at the end, though.
- The ability that gives a random chance to shoot three arrows instead of one I feel shouldn't be random, but be a secondary action (right mouse button maybe?) that is on a cooldown, with each upgrade decreasing cooldown or upgrading the ability. I found myself running to the other side of the play area if a stray shot hit a bunny on the other side.
- OMG THERES AN ENDING?! (Endless would be cool to have)

In conclusion, this game has a good amount of replay-ability, which is my usual criteria for a "good game". It gave me that "flash arcade" vibe, that I'm sure other people will probably really like about this. It's not something I could sit down and play for hours, but it's a short time killer that's good enough for sating boredom.


Much love for the feedback. You've brought up some interesting points that we'll gladly explain.

- Yes, the souls are on lock down as soon as the night ends. This is due to the 'Night Complete' controller records your score right then and there. For story purposes, 6 am would be the time the night actually ends and the sun vanishes the souls. As this was something I wanted to address in game, some some leeway before the screen goes black would be the best solution for this I believe.

- The health pick up is entirely a brain killer for us as both the end boss and secret boss can do massive damage. The text however does say like 6% which is technically bullshit lol. Currently working on another a final update and this is definitely on the list.

-  Your idea for the exploration part was actually an idea we wanted to take part of but felt that it took away from the arcade feel of the game. However..... this doesn't mean we're not gonna eventually do something like this (wink wink nudge nudge punch).

- The difficulty is on purpose. The game is easy due to a hidden and rare boss in the game that only appears once that week. Not to mention the ability to collect souls for skins. But if anything it does feel too easy and we definitely can amp up the game a tad.

- As for the random arrows upgrade, there's a super small cooldown for when the bosses takes damage that allows this powerup to be more effective. This is the main reason or this upgrade.

Thanks again for your feedback. Seriously!!!