heyyyyyy dev!!.... i loveeeeeee your workkkk the storyline is just fabulous... i cant get enough of it... andddddd i wouldddd love to havee moreeeee storyline of logan... he's my mannn for sureee... maybe some player hate his attitude but man like logan is a true sweetheart... anywayyyyy keepp it up and im voting for logan... and ever since I'd encounter this game I've stopped playing the others... this is for sure my favorite.... and quick question, does the story change if i choose different npc as my favorite?
Hello! #TeamLogan Here
Picking one Character as a favorite doesn't affect the other relationships, you can get all Logan interactiona without affecting the game. Of course, there are some relationships needed to progress the story and if you only focus Logan's you won't see the content on the other characters, but should be able to prioritize interacting with him without changing much. Bottom Logan has more Lewd content but Normal Logan (top) has romance, and so far the only way to get Hearts with Logan is in his normal route
ehm Logan normal route still doesnt have the option to have Sex with him except in athe Drinking scene, but if You choose to do it Logan Will hate You afterwards. It's possible that when Hyao adds his normal Sex scene it Will have versatile options.
Remember that Logan is theorically straight and emotionally constipated due to the Loss of his wife, so his romance is a slowburn.