Another update with some changes made thanks to you beautiful play testers!
* Fixed a Bug where you could get out the bottom of the bomb shop without triggering the exit.
* Halved the damage taken by enemies in the water levels.
* Slowed down the fish character and sharks in the water levels.
* Made it so sharks will stop chasing you if you get far enough away.
* Lowered sandwich HP from 15 to 12 and maximum damage from 4 to 2.
* Made a path in the main village a bit easier to see.
* Fixed bug where the lonely bird in the cave could make you do less damage to him then your minimum damage.
* Altered the bottom of the race track to not have such a brutal 90 degree turn.
* Fixed bug where the riddle master would tell you the wrong button to push to lift an object for Xbox controller.
* Fixed a bug with giving the egg to the bird man.
* Added a little icon next to the sass abilities in battle letting the player know which sasses they have used and if they worked or not.
Thanks guys for all your help so far.
If you would like to give Cat-Powered UFO a go, follow this link!
Make sure you give me that sweet sweet feedback!