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Ok this goes out to all of those out there who are only thinking of themselves. So many comments to hey where is the release? Where is the update? Seriously look at what others have been talking about before you start typing. Something serious has happened in Komisari's life right now, and all you can think of is yourself. You type out false words you don't truly mean to curry favor with Komisari, and then selfishly ask for something. If you truly meant what you wrote then you would stop thinking about what you want, and ask "Hey Komisari, is there anything I can do to help." Yeah I am as eager as anyone else to play the new update, but I pay attention. Stop bugging people for a handout, and actually care about another human being. I feel better now. I am sorry for all those close to Komisari that have to read this, but all those comments got on my last nerve. Komisari take your time, and dedicate all your attention to where it needs to be IRL. Your real fans aren't going anywhere. Make sure to take care of yourself to.


I hope that I didn't give anyone the impression that I only care about the update with my comment. Whatever has happened with Komisari, I hope it works out. And if they need help, I'd be glad to offer whatever assistance I can, but I also don't want to intrude upon their privacy.

My sentiments remain the same. Komisari, take care of yourself. Your game is amazing, but I care about you more. We may not have had a very extended conversation, but even so. I hope to hear good news from you.

Do you know what happened?


I don't, I just hope it's nothing too serious. I figure if Komisari wants us to know, they'll tell us. Until then, the best thing we can do is wait patiently and give our support. Even if it's just a kind comment.