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A member registered Feb 07, 2018

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Something that's probably not worth playing around with right now, but worth your consideration is creating some first person angles of said scenes anyway.

Still, multiple angles is a big ask, so don't feel obligated to make it work. Just wanted to put that out there, since I prefer first person all the way, and I know there are others that like multiple angles too, versus just one or the other.

Whoa! I kept checking these pages in the hopes that there would be an update, and then I find there is one announced! I'm liking it, and the new look of the page!

I'm looking forward to the update! I liked what you made with both of your games, but I returned to this one a lot more. If you should happen to need any help with testing, I'd be happy to do so, too.

Thank you for the quick response! I figured this was the case after I trained her enough for the game to say that she wasn't improving anymore, but I wanted to double check.

Since I didn't know if leveling up might influence the maximum accuracy she can be trained with, or if there might have been books that can increase training effectiveness/cap -- basically, just wanted to make sure I wasn't headed in the entirely wrong direction here.

Hey! Been enjoying Adventurer Trainer so far, but I wanted to ask about one of the changes in 1.4. Specifically for training with Darkness, it says that you can train her accuracy up to "+60", but I was wondering if that means you can only train it from -119 to -59 (exactly a +60 increase) or if it can go higher? Like out of the negatives and to 60 Accuracy.

Either way, enjoying the game and excited to see more content!

Literally get over yourself. Pay the 5$ if you want it that badly, or wait patiently because there's plenty of shit happening in the real world, it's not that unreasonable to think that Komisari just needs some time to sort things out in their real life.

Also, stop hiding behind a throwaway account while acting like a gargantuan prick.

I don't, I just hope it's nothing too serious. I figure if Komisari wants us to know, they'll tell us. Until then, the best thing we can do is wait patiently and give our support. Even if it's just a kind comment.

I hope that I didn't give anyone the impression that I only care about the update with my comment. Whatever has happened with Komisari, I hope it works out. And if they need help, I'd be glad to offer whatever assistance I can, but I also don't want to intrude upon their privacy.

My sentiments remain the same. Komisari, take care of yourself. Your game is amazing, but I care about you more. We may not have had a very extended conversation, but even so. I hope to hear good news from you.

Hey, Komisari. I heard that things came up IRL for you. Take your time with releasing the new version, okay? You come first. I'll be just as excited to start playing it whenever it releases.

I know it's coming for free in November 6th, but you're *really* close to my birthday with October 23rd. So, thank you for the Birthday Present! Even if I have to wait a bit to pick it up, it's worth waiting for. I'm looking forward to testing out the new system!

Whoa, I didn't expect such a swift reply. Well, I'm glad that you're not feeling stressed! I honestly love the game for it being a breath of fresh air. And I'm eager to learn more about the setting too.

The confusing nature of Heroes, why everyone is so apprehensive about them (and in turn, the main character), etc. They're all mysteries that I want to uncover.

And if there is one thing that I am hoping for, it's that I get to experience a "Rising of the Shield Hero" arc. Either way, I'm sure it's not going to disappoint. I look forward to the update!

I actually had to dig out my account just to comment on this game. I've completed the latest version and am eagerly awaiting the new polished version that is 0.1.2!

While it's a bit sad to have to start all over again, on top of not having necessarily NEW story parts for this update, it will be great to experience the new system too. I hope development is going well, and that you aren't getting too stressed with people that are more than a little excited for the new release!