Hey there, sorry for a late response and THANK YOU very much for the feedback!
While the explanations and guidance are quite lacking and I plan to work on them, item loss on a "body attack" is pretty hard to explain and I feel like an indicator might be confusing by itself. There's a lot of information on the screen already.
Regarding your second point, what kind of upgrades do you have in mind? Can you give me a few examples of what you'd like to see?
Much appreciate your work with translation, but it will take a while until I'll be able to add it in the game. While en.json contains card descriptions, all of the UI and a lot of other strings (stats, upgrades) are still not ready to be translated. And, like you noticed, game doesn't have a support for special characters. I will also be adding more cards soon.
Either way, send the translated file to me ( ag@snoutup.com ) and I will notify you about the progress on the translation system! I might create a small web service (or use Localizor) for easier management of community translations.
Cheers and let me know if you'll have any more feedback!
I think you are right about the body slam thing. Maybe those cards should just end up in a stack? Because if you just go and body slam everything the run changes dramatically (in a negative way).
I think what I am thinking as upgrades an extention of the current perk system. Additional perks to get in a play through. Both neutral perks which can be acquired by a anyone. And maybe perks that can be acquired by specific classes (upgrades to started perks?) and of course patchy if it has the necessary starter perk.
They can alter the game dramatically or just change some stats. Like:
Double damage to poisoned enemies
Burning enemies drop scrap
Fire spreads
Stun enemies who attack you
Higher town spawn
Higher item spawn
Higher gold spawn
Turn all health pods to dentures
Caves always contain good things (spelunk)
Slimes heal (acquired taste)
Aliens are friendly and more alien spawn
1 move without losing combo
Infinite combo in low health
Enemy reaction time +1 turns (fastest in the west)
+1 damage
I will send you the en.json it's not done yet but perhaps I can work on it more once there is support for it.
Thank you very much!
Regarding first point, I think enemy drops lost during slam attacks ending up back in the stack would be a bit confusing and quite overpowered. However, bosses already do drop their item even if they're killed by a move action (the item is dropped in previous player position), so don't worry about bodying them if you have to!
I agree that perk system really needs some spicing up and upgrades would be one way to go about it. And the game also already has more neutral perks implemented, I just haven't found a good-enough way to grant them to players. Some might be game-breakingly OP, but there's a bit of fun in that also :)
Healing slimes sounds hilarious! Would be hard to explain it visually, but it seems like a fun and weird mechanic to have. Other ideas are also interesting, I especially like the burning enemies to drop scrap or stun enemies on attack. These really fit the game well and wouldn't be hard to add or visualize!