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I wrote the interaction with a slight visual branch like that in mind, with the option to just go full Haggard Twilight (like in the spa chapter) if that ends up being too much. I also thought both of them could stem from the same conversation, with the Player offering their assistance, and Twilight taking them up on it; so S-Link 6 would be comparatively short. Maybe one or two study-dates, another little round of pre-submission panic, and then a good/bad end, possibly with a Congratulations or Welcome Back party for Twilight depending on the ending.

Aha the good or bad ending is determined she keeps her INT high enough? These seem hard to work with when the changes can go either way.

Got any ideas on how to handle what changes the violet room can do?

It was my understanding that the endings will be influenced by the character's own stats, INT being the central one I'm focusing on for Twilight's (pure?) route. That's mostly because I can't remember what the other three (four? five?) stats are at the moment, and can't find a post with them either, but also because she's a Brain and it fits.
I'm still a little in the dark about the mechanics for the Violet Room, but for the time being I'm working with the knowledge that it's mostly used for stat tweaks, rather than transformation-based. Not that the latter isn't a major component, but for this route I'm not considering that. Maybe having a sliding rule would be good, that Twi can be changed up to a point before one route trips and switches over to the other.

Yeah alright, it's easier to just keep in mind it's stat changed. Guess we can always see what to do with the violet room once the non-bimbo paths are layed out and see how to work with that.