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C. Snacks

A member registered Jun 18, 2017

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I thought for certain I replied to this, sorry I didn't.

While I'm not the biggest fan of discord, I'll look into using it as an option if only to interact on a more frequent basis.
Another attempt at trying something a little new, having a character react to the Player interact with someone else. If that's too far out of the scope, let me know.

(1 edit)

New S-Link:

Tried to have a little extra fun with this one with a unique response to not wanting to see Twilight. It might be a way to build additional rapport with Cheerilee somewhere down the line, as long as that's able to be worked in of course. There's also an asterisk near the end [line 226] that should be removed, but could be a place where Twilight has another way to deal with the orgasm.

Ultimately decided oral was a bridge too far, and that Twilight playing with/exploring the dick would be enough. Also tried to indicate that Twilight is still not that great at reading people and hint that her relationship with Cheerilee is already in trouble.

As usual it's up for changes.

(1 edit)

As far as written content goes, what's assigned a priority?

Apparently as good a time as any to pull the trigger.

#4 -

Wherein Twilight and the Player enjoy some more intimate experiences by going to town on her cans, in order to help Twilight better understand how her body ticks.

Feels like a bit of a change from previous entries because of the degree of lewdity. It's not bad, just difficult to get a feel for. Hopefully isn't too much of a break from the norm.
There were a number of different ways that this could have been pulled, but I've reached peace with just doing a straight route through at this point. Anything alternate can be added on later, if possible. Public HJ/BJ next, then a teacher/student showdown. The rest would be fallout/coming to terms and pair of conclusions, unless someone has an absolutely killer idea to work in.

(1 edit)

Now for some game-related discussion that I hope gives some direction, and opens up doors to possibilities:

Things are probably going to escalate pretty quickly over the next couple of S-Links as Twilight has to wrestle with her increasing urges. What I'm really looking to do is to feed into her investigative sense where she wants to learn something new, fueled also by the changes to her body and her mentality. So, here's a rough idea of what the next few Links will look like:

#4 - Emboldened by her actions so far, Twilight and the Player rendezvous in the library stacks again. Twilight is a little more bold this time around, explaining she'd like to understand both of their bodies a little bit better. Lots of heavy petting, groping, and ending with a kiss that really throws Twilight for a loop. She sends the Player off, needing time to think.

#5 - After due consideration, and a little time to stew in her hormones, Twilight is ready to try again. And by 'try again' of course that means take things up a notch. She orally pleasures the Player in the library, not quite ready to kiss again, but wanting to explore more. After concluding with Twilight, the Player notices Miss Cheerilee staring after him again.

#6 - The Player enters the library just in time to see Twilight and Miss Cheerilee in an argument. Although it's more Miss Cheerilee reaming Twilight for being irresponsible, and saying she's already left  a concerned message with her mother. Twilight is banned from the library until she cleans up her act. Twilight complains to the Player about how more people seem to be taking notice of her, but she doesn't seem to mind too terribly much [Twilight's daytime meets move to either SCC, her house, or another more 'fun' location, further S-Links require access to Twilight's house].

Here's where things (might) get tricky. Because this is a game with a bimbofication aspect, I think there should be times to take advantage of it. So, my general thought is that #6 can actually be split into one (or even two) different routes.

#6.1 - [requires 2+ castings of magic [or a certain stat-associated level of bimboness] on Cheerilee]  The Player encounters the argument again, but Twilight is allowed to get her responses out this time. Miss Cheerilee, obviously a little confused and shaken, eventually relents that, as long as things don't escalate any further in the library, she will tolerate this misunderstanding. Twilight's mother is still made aware, but Twilight remains at the library for her daytime meets. Further actions require access to the Sparkle house.

#6.2 - [very optional - requires bimbo'd Cheerilee] The Player encounters the argument again, but this time it's about how Twilight is hogging the dick to herself. This makes miss Cheerilee very upset, and she requests a round with the Player. After some initial reluctance, Twilight agrees. After the blowjob, (possibly double?) Twilight admits that it wasn't that bad, and maybe sharing is fun too. Twilight remains at the Library for her daytime meets but requests any further actions take place somewhere more private. Twilight/Cheerilee bimbo blowjobs unlocked in the library.

Of course, I'd like to have benefits and drawbacks to all of these instances. For example:
#6 - Twilight loses X INT when kicked out of the library - helps the Player push toward a corrupt Twilight since she's not allowed to study as often as she has been prior - Slower INT gains going forward too
#6.1 - Twilight does not lose any stats, helping the Player sty on a more pure route - Twilight blowjob unlocked in library
#6.2 - Twilight loses X Charisma when competing with Cheerilee - same reasoning as #6 - Teacher and Student blowjobs unlocked in library

If that's at all possible, I think it would help to position players to get the ending they want or, if nothing else, force them to find a balance between scenes, grinding stats, and endings. And, because this is the last 'scene' in the library, all three branches immediately converge back into the main story, hopefully relatively seamlessly, afterwards. In each of these, Velvet will have at least some idea that something has gone wrong with her daughter, so will be reluctant to have you over. More on that in later post, if it's determined something like this is within the scope of the game.

Two new S-Links

#2 -

Wherein Twilight's physical changes take a backseat to her beginning to acknowledge that maybe the something more she referenced earlier relates to exploring new experiences.

#3 -

Wherein Twilight starts investigating what it's like to flirt while doing something familiar and gets physically closer, and more comfortable, with the Player.

I'm not entirely sold on either of these as a final draft yet, but they're certainly in the spirit and general direction of where things should probably go.  Twilight exploring new things in the world, and about herself, feels like it fits very well.

I'm inclined to respond with  simple 'yes'.
From a more technical aspect, I was working from the idea of a point spread, specifically a Primary (A) and Secondary (B) stat that are more or less cumulative. So for Twilight's ending, the A stat would be INT and the B stat was Charm/Charisma, and the goal was to get over ten (more like thirteen) of some combination. So 7A and 7B would still be passing, but 10A and 3B would not, even though she maxed out her primary stat.
I was also kind of basing this off the idea that, as you used the magic, Twilight's CHA would naturally increase. I thought it might be a good way to reduce grind, and encourage the use of magic, but at the same time I considered that it might drop her INT, although to a lesser degree. That's all speculation on y part though.
If there's really a want, we could do a three-tier system and appropriate value based on that, where C points are worth half of B are worth half of A, or something. Just something in place to encourage the player to develop something beyond INT because "brains lol".

I don't even know if that makes sense.

Here it is, the final S-Link!

You'll probably notice right away that it's pretty huge. I wanted to try something a little different, allowing the player to delay satisfaction, or bypass it completely, so I included an option selection at the end to give it some personal feeling. That might be a bit too much, especially locking the player out from pursuing Twilight [Option 2], so that one can be removed if necessary.

Otherwise, I'm thinking there should only be a couple intimate scenes [First time, Subsequent times, possibly alternate positions?] and that should wrap up the big component of Twilight's story, just leaving small and flavor texts, right?

OK. So here's a rough idea of what the 10th S-Link might look like.

I'm not entirely sold on it yet, as we haven't really discussed how things ought to be wrapped up. So, for the time being, lets call this a work in progress and go over what's good, what's bad, and what's missing.

If it's really called for, I can swing  a party scene, but I was really saving that for the alternate, good, ending.  Anyway, thoughts are helpful at this point, because, well, we are putting a cap on the storyline, so we want it to end on a good or bittersweet note.

The story itself is all up in the air right now, still plotting a course. But I'm never opposed to more bimbos, I just don't want to get greedy, or have an abundance of unused assets at the end of the demo.

As for the S-Link itself, I believe, and Dev can correct me if I'm wrong, it relates directly to the advancement of the story. Whereas with BrainLight Dorkle it was helping her get her stuff in order to get into the McGuffin Program, with HeadLight Twaddle it will be getting her comfortable with her oversexualized body, and the needs it has therein. And the success or failure depends on her own stats; I'm thinking Charisma is the primary in this case, with INT taking a second - the higher both of them are, the more likely she's going to stay, uh, reasonable. As in she's able to stay in control. Not sleeping with everyone with a pulse. Or, if you like that kind of thing, ending up as a school bicycle. Point being, once you get to this storyline, Twilight is going to be a bimbo. How she gets to where she ends up, that's for the S-Links to tell.

That is an interesting idea about the S-Link being tied to Twilight's slide down the storyline. We might be able to associate additional transformations with S-Links (maybe not 1-to-1, but by S-Link 7/8, if she could finally reach her Bimbo 10, that would be something like what I'm thinking), but that's a coding thing, so I don't want to stray too far into that.

I believe it's still the Velvet Room, as far as physical changes go. She'll probably adopt more language mannerisms through progressing the S-Links, if that's a route to explore.

That would be a laugh, and a great excuse to get Cheerilee irate. It does feel odd having Twilight's meeting place still be in the library, so this could either work as a way to set up a new location (home, perhaps?) or keep her in the library with a similar suggestion to the one with Velvet earlier where you change Cheerilee to the point she doesn't mind so much any more.

I'd say I'm on board with 3 as well, and leaning 4, just because I'm a sucker for gradual and continued incremental changes and dress-up possibilities. Two years ago, it was exciting just to read about the prospect of Twilight's stats changing and the possibility of sprites adjusting over time, so if you put incremental changes out in front of me, of course I'm going to say we should go ahead with it.

As before, I don't mind the extra work involved in writing for additional scenes. I'd have been on board with Twilight's dialect changing in accordance with her stats going up/down, but I figured that might be too many micro-adjustments even for me. This is a welcome challenge.

I see, thanks guys.

To begin, I'm not opposed to the extra work at all when it comes to the bimbo arc, mostly because I know which side butters my bread. I'd really like to do more involved if-then related stuff, I've just held back because this is a demo. But one or two couldn't hurt, and adds an element of depth and possibly replayability. Or at least save- scumming your way through to see all the bimbo interactions.

Taking that into account, I guess we need to be looking at advanced forms for all 3 of the support characters?

Exactly what I was hoping to hear. So I'll go ahead with being slightly ambiguous regarding her shape until we're settled on a more permanent appearance, with intention to go back and change.

What do you mean by cut scenes? When and where? I don't mind the additional work, as this is the stuff I've been waiting for, but knowing where and what we're thinking would be helpful.

My general thinking with the questions isn't so much a branching bimbo route, but one that encourages her to act out, at least a little bit. That's why more weight is given to the S-Links that encouraged a more positive approach to the changes. For now, I'm thinking that continuing to work the Twilight/Pinkie angle is most helpful, although that's certainly up for discussion this early on in the Links, and even going forward as well.

I like the idea of having to change Velvet too, just because it forces the Player to indulge in using their power a bit more. Kind of like the one where Twilight freaks out earlier. Something similar could be done with Cheerilee or Pinkie Pie as well: depending on how involved we want to have those characters.

All of those tie into uncertainty i was having: about how aware the subject should be, and also what other sprite changes are going to be available.
If we've reached the end of the bimbo TF with the sprites we have available, i can go back and rework things a bit, but knowing which one is the cutoff will help in that regard and I can work around that. Since I'd like Twilight to keep at least a bit of her cleverness, as she gets more daring, eventually she's going to realize what's going on, but my hope is that she's already well on her way to embracing a new nature at that point.

So here's what I'm thinking for the first S-Link:

The idea I'm trying to get across is that this is sort of a transitional S-Link, in that Twilight still retains a lot of herself and also these new, slightly wild, feelings that she doesn't know what to do with. If there's enough push for it, it's possible to keep some of the book-nerd qualities, but tone them down in favor of more 'fun' things.
I was also looking to have her language alter a bit during this period from the other S-Link, to show a continued change from the character, so let me know if that's too much, too soft, or just enough. And any other input is appreciated as well.

(4 edits)

A [possibly temporary] thread for the writing of Twilight's Bimbo Route.
I figure the other thread is getting a little weighty at this point, but it's still not quite done. Because individual perspectives on how to handle the Standard and Bimbo routes may be a little different, I'd like to avoid crossing the streams, at least for the time being.  So, since this is the main draw for creating the project, what kind of stuff should be going on? Where are we going from here, how far, it's all important to figure out where we want things to end up. As such, I'll probably be putting a lot of brackets in these bins until we can figure a few out, just to provide myself and anyone reading them some points of contention and change.
Or, If there's something you're really aching to include, lets see what we can do to get it done, yeah?

S-Link 1
S-Link 2
S-Link 3
S-Link 4
S-Link 5
S-Link 6

Here's 9

Working on 10 A/B, but still waiting to hear if the S-Link Questions are necessary for this, or if they're just general questions this time around.

Also scheming out the Bimbo  route, curious if there's anything in particular that needs to be different.

Still chugging away, hoping to get the last three done in quick succession. To facilitate that, general inquiry if we're able to have events occur within a period of time, say, one week following the exam (S-Link 9) can the next S-Link be made available automatically? I can write it either way, but don't want to add unnecessary work.

Second, just for clarification, 10 is the end if the route, so are the questions necessary? Or how does that work?

Trying some new concepts, specifically the phone, so let me know how that works out, or what needs to change to make it work. Also introduced the Twilight Velvet (just going with Velvet for the sake of simplicity), with the thought of having two characters on screen at once. Don't know if that's too much or if we just want to stick to one at a time.

Thanks, as long as it's not too  much work. Just figured that it's a demo and showcasing what's available is important, so I wanted to get an idea of what is and isn't possible.

Another thought might be continuing the develop/escalate the physical relationship after completing the S-Link on either path, if there are going to be multiple H-scenes.

It was a couple general suggestions, we could probably come up with a better one in time, but Airhead Academy would be pretty straightforward. My only thought is if it's OK to use that when you can play through the whole thing without changing anyone.

SoC was just a play on Shadows over Camelot that I thought would be fun to throw out there. I don't expect it to be taken seriously.

I'm a little lost on how much we can do with this item. It certainly sounds handy, but I don't want to write out an S-Link making use of it if it's not going to work. Here's a basic outline of what I'm looking to do:

  1. Go to Library on lunch/evening slot - No Twilight
  2. Get a text from Twilight inviting you over to her house (is opening a new area or meeting at library easier?) for an evening-only event
  3. Go and S-Link happens

Is this possible?

I've actually given that some thought and figured the library portion is done. The next might be good to have her in the clinic from overwork and too little sleep, just to show equal parts run down and dedicated. Either that or an awkward study date at her house.

For 9, a walk to the exam centre might be a good change of pace. And then hang around for her afterwards to walk back And deal with some of that drama. Would be another nice place to check out her bedroom.

(1 edit)

New S-Link for the normal Twilight

Trying not to add much to Twilight's character at this point as to just expand it out over this link and the next two, so they should be pretty straightforward and not have too many curves. I don't really have much to say other than that; I did do this pretty quickly, so it hasn't really had time to sink in. A fresh set of eyes would be good, just to make sure everything seems in order.


I did try to add an approach option like with what was discussed previously. Does that work?

My first thought would be towards drawing on something from the Arthurian or Greek myths, in the spirit of the series itself, but that might create weird expectations. A play on Canterlot like Trotnot might work, but if we're still going to be using the standard names, it's kind of a waste to do that.

As I'm always a fan of alliteration, I'm just going to have to throw a few of these out there: Airhead Academy, Canterlot Changes, Sleaze School.
And, playing with an entirely different vein of entertainment: Seduction of Canterlot.

Yeah, I can take care of that. I wasn't sure how in-depth we were going with a demo seeing as Twilight's the only one the player can interact with, but if we're aiming for a fuller experience, then lets go ahead.

My thought was mostly just a one-time event at some point in the game and variable epilogue flavor text if he went with her into the program or not. Nothing too robust. It's something I realized in passing might be an interesting touch, but we can just as easily write it out as the player already have missed a submission deadline or whatever.

Finally got over the plague and got the next one done. It ended up being a little longer than I thought it would, but I'm pretty happy with at least the shape of it. Still going with responses favoring benefits for the player trying to be charming and self-assured, but working in the Intelligence angle as well. I don't know if it would be too much to include an option for the Player to get into the McGuffin as well as a sort of special end with Twilight, but If figured it'd be fun to play with a bit.

It was my understanding that the endings will be influenced by the character's own stats, INT being the central one I'm focusing on for Twilight's (pure?) route. That's mostly because I can't remember what the other three (four? five?) stats are at the moment, and can't find a post with them either, but also because she's a Brain and it fits.
I'm still a little in the dark about the mechanics for the Violet Room, but for the time being I'm working with the knowledge that it's mostly used for stat tweaks, rather than transformation-based. Not that the latter isn't a major component, but for this route I'm not considering that. Maybe having a sliding rule would be good, that Twi can be changed up to a point before one route trips and switches over to the other.

I wrote the interaction with a slight visual branch like that in mind, with the option to just go full Haggard Twilight (like in the spa chapter) if that ends up being too much. I also thought both of them could stem from the same conversation, with the Player offering their assistance, and Twilight taking them up on it; so S-Link 6 would be comparatively short. Maybe one or two study-dates, another little round of pre-submission panic, and then a good/bad end, possibly with a Congratulations or Welcome Back party for Twilight depending on the ending.

Sweet, I love a good brainstorming session.

For the VR host, an obvious solution to just throw out straight away is Discord, from Equestira. This would be straight up his alley. It's also a bit of a cop-out, so I'm inclined to keep that as sort of a last resort.  Still, it could be framed as him needing to stir up a little trouble, and no one is going to mind, or even notice, if he works his magic in a universal branch so distantly removed from Equestria that no one else has ever been there.
Alternatively, and keeping with the Mediterranean mythos that lingers beneath the surface of the series, a Medusa-like figure could also be fun. Naturally gorgeous, mildly vain, and a tremendous flirt, it would be a good way to both encourage and discourage players from going down the path she intends for them. It would also be possible to use the Sirens here as hosts and attendants, if there was a desire to.

Dialogue is pretty straightforward; I could manage a couple clusters for each major NPC with relative ease. Just give me a structure to work off of, and I'll see what I can cook up.

The story is probably the hardest part, because I haven't played anything beyond the second Persona game. I'm pretty familiar with the other series, and the whole Lawful/Neutral/Chaotic branches and how they impact endgame, but other than that I'm sort of in the dark as to how we're looking to structure the whole thing. I know there was a flowchart to work off of posted at some point, it might be good to have that again.

Added S-Link 5. Really liked the idea of using magic to either beef up the Player's brains, or teach Twilight to relax a little, so I tried to convey that by portraying her as high strung, while the player as not being smart enough to assist, since I've been writing options that allow the Player to skate by Charm up to this point. I figured it could be be an either-or situation, where the player could expedite the next S-Link by using the magic on her, at the cost of reducing her smarts a bit, and raising the risk of her not getting into the program as a result, or just spend a few nights/week supercharging their brain to become Twi's study buddy. Or Flash Card handler, whichever.

Either way, I thought I would lay it out there and see what people are thinking.

I haven't really worked out the extent of the route yet, so I certainly don't mind the assist. I'm also interested in the idea of encouraging the player to use magic, while also leaving the door open to choose not to if they don't feel like it and build up their own stats. While the extra stats wouldn't help them in the demo, it would certainly be handy for those who just want to run a 'pure' story.
I do like the one for the fifth, though I'm torn between a tantrum and a small breakdown a la Lesson Zero.  Unhinged Twilight would be fun, and give a pretty good reason as to why she throws herself into her studies and shuts the player out.

(7 edits)

Linking the S-Link scripts for Twilight's Normal/Standard Branch here. Still treating them all as a working draft, but it's important to at least get a map, I think. Not sure if I'll have the option to edit this post later, so if this whole thing gets stretched out, I apologize.

S-Link 1
S-Link 2
S-Link 3
S-Link 4
S-Link 5
S-Link 6
S-Link 7
S-Link 8
S-Link 9

S-Link 10 [Fail]

S-Link 10 [Success]

Thoughts/Input/Suggestions always appreciated

Change Log:

Added S-Link 10 Good End

Added S-Link 10 Bad End

Added S-Link 9

Added S-Link 8

Added S-Link 7

Added S-Link 6

Added S-Link 5

No changes to 2 since the original posting.
One adjustment to S-Link 1, on line 55, to keep it congruent with the conversation in S-Link 4.
Added Cheerilee interaction to the beginning of 3, removed references to Twilight contacting the Player.