no problem! Reading back sorry If i sounded too harsh. Haha. Didnt mean it to come off that way, but, text and all. :) no it was nice! Especially for your first platformer! The "leap of faith" and friction control are always mis steps people new to platforming make. I have done it tons!! Haha. Also note the this is my opinion. I hate super meat boy for the same reason (to little friction) so do take that into consideration. The key to slippery physics is converting already gained momentum quicker than initial velocity build.
So say it takes 8 frames to get to full speed, once at full speed if I swap directions it should only take about 4 frames to get to full speed the opposite direction. At least in my experience this makes it feel like you have better control of the character.
Hope it helps and keep up the good work!! Definitely keep me updated if you expand it as I would love to see the progress!!!