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Hit the 12 hour mark since release not too long ago. You guys and gals are all great. Thank you for playing and hope you're enjoying it. I'll be curious to look and see how many people get certain endings (remember 22 of them) - good, neutral, and bad.

(9 edits)

Well, I indeed enjoyed it, good work, art is nice and I like the characters/story though honestly I was expecting it to be a little different VN type (after 9h I'm still missing one bad ending and 1CG and I'm not sure how to get it right now).

Saying that I wish that there was more development with the girls, most romances seems rushed, like they fall in love just after one encounter, wish I could read more of their "bonding". Side maids seems interesting too, shame there is no more content with them (but it would be a lot of work).

Some choices work weird, like I'm doing everything with different maids and somehow I'm getting Takako love ending out of the blue (I know how technically it work but it feel weird). Some characters seems not consistent through whole game (like Takako reactions... but maybe it's just me). The "good" ending with Sarana in my playthrough felt weird as I didn't do anything with Umeko in it and yet... (again I understand it but it just feel weird :P) btw: wish there was more harem options. :P

In one route I had weird thing with Reiko where she appeared normally and then there was nothing with her till almost end when she appeared, out of nowhere, in maid uniform, (it was before the patch so maybe it was just bug), felt weird (I just learned after this that in her route she "work" as maid). 

But yea, it's nice game overall. :) Wish there was expansion in the making. :P

Also, I want steam card with Pa Zong. :(

All good points overall. And with my next game, I'm actually hoping to attempt to write it myself, so I will definitely try to have more of the script devoted to giving people more time with each lady in the main cast. In fact, I actually had 9 character sprites completely done for my next game, but I think I might remove 2 of them from cast so it'll be easier for me to manage.

I also plan to have less endings - with more dyanamic endings so that you technically don't end up with just one girl. Maid Mansion really only had one of these types of endings. I would try to aim for maybe 3 in my next game.

This is all theorizing right now though. I only have the beginning part of the story outlined out, so I'll try and share more as time goes by.

As for an expansion, if I ever did return to this type of setting, I'd probably want to do a new cast and it would be a full-blown sequel. Not like a Part II thing.

For the Pa Zong STEAM card... can't help you there. XD

Best wishes! I know how hard it is to make a good branched story that will "work".

As for endings, that's another thing that I kind of missed, only 1 type of good ending for each girl mostly, in maid setting game I would expect marriage good ending or maid good ending for example, but that's just problem with my expectations I guess. :)

Obviously I was joking about the expansion (and the steam card), but in all honestly, I would love to learn more about 3 side maids (and have more interaction with them), they seemed interesting, also would love to learn more about Pa Zong (somehow I liked her the most).

Good luck with the next game!