This is pretty cool, guys!
First off, let's get one basic point out of the way: "lol we forgot audio" is a recurring joke in the games industry, but it's something D&P are going to learn the hard way next block - audio is super important to everything about game feel, so always, always, always throw a placeholder in there at the bare minimum.
Also, please include instructions when posting anything, even if its just a simple prototype. This entry jumped up dramatically in scores with me once I discovered the blue squares teleported me to different worlds.
I really liked messing around with this. Shooty-ball games have sort of popped up here and there, but it's been a while since I've seen a fun one, and playing on the first world I was thinking that "Rocket League but it's an FPS" might be a fun game to make. Similarly, I've never seen someone try to apply this to snooker/pool ... it might be interesting to try out ways of having the player only shoot their cue ball and not the coloured balls.
The tippy-table world was equally cool. Not sure if there's a lot of puzzle potential in just running around the top of the level to tip the maze - you'd have to find a purpose or challenge in the movement to make it meaningful within the design ... but imagine this as a Fall Guys level! :D Anything you placed on top of the maze, be it other players or enemies, would make this really interesting.
And the canyon level rocked. I'm a sucker for anything that messes with momentum. Fall Guys' Rock n Roll level, but as a full game, in first person and with shotguns? Sounds like a winner to me!
Interested to hear other people's thoughts on this ..