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my child has reported that he has seen older people making advances on younger children sexually  while playing “among us”. one girls said she was 13 and someone started asking for her address. Another person said they were a kid and then began taking with someone sexually.

This is unacceptable and will be reported if this is not dealt with immediately.


lol hahaha that literally doesn't ever happen so your child is kinda lying. 

also read my name.

you are unacceptable and you will be reported if you aren't dealt with immediately


it actually does happen. Maybe not often but it does! Just because you haven’t experienced it yourself doesnt mean it doesn’t happen. Please be more considerate 

Your lack of consideration and logic is unacceptable and you will be reported if it isn’t dealt with immediately 


Jeez guys, the toxicity!! Chill

I have been in many lobbys where people are getting together so...

(1 edit)

There is a simple fix/solution to this type of problem. 1.  Monitor your children  when playing. 2. Tell your child not to tell her age to people. Any game online there is gonna be people that do stuff like that and all that you can really do is ignore them, because you can never get rid of people like that because anyone can always change your ip, vpn and etc. If you daughter is experiencing that in a game it's best to leave that game lobby and go to another and just to avoid people like that.

unless the kids are horrible and dumb and dont want to

bruh take away the ipad or leave the game i dont know what else to tell you its an online game

I do not think they can fix this entirely, there is an option to censor curse words but most other things are not censored, maybe they could be like Roblox and censor numbers.

Someone trying to type "hey, want to play some swordburst?"

Roblox censor filter: "#### #### ## #### #### ##########?

Hahahaha but omg honestly I hated that

So true, then one of the 3 letter words would end up like ############ and they'd have no idea what you're trying to say. The roblox censor filter is so trash because it literally censors everything.

they are making accounts so you can report unacceptable behavior like that. If you are very worried about it I suggest finding another game for your child to play  until the account system is up.