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The characterization is really solid. I played this a few times and tried to pick different choices each time, and each time I ended up viewing him as the self-absorbed asshole that he is in the story (I'm assuming, since I haven't read it) even with vastly different levels of politeness in the choices that you're allowed to take. I think that's pretty well done, especially since Dorian Grey is such an iconic character with an already established personality. giving the reader some leeway but still having some aspects of him set in stone was perfect, in my opinion.

I feel like the pacing of events could be improved a bit? The parts with dialogue and conversation are well paced but the parts that are mostly action and things happening (going to the park, the homeless guy, the cop, and then the theater) could have been elaborated upon a little more. I feel like those happened a little fast, and a little too concisely, in comparison to the opening conversation, which was pretty fleshed out.

though this depends on how large of a part these scenes will actually play in your plan for the finished game!

Overall, intriguing beginning, good writing, nice characterization, looking forward to the finished ver