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Wow! This game is a lot of fun, and has a crazy amount of polish for the 48h. I suppose the simplicity of the gameplay gave you time to flesh it out - and it shows! This would work so well as a mobile game, great little timewaster! Some of the small touches like the character changing colour when in range, and the range being quite forgiving, make it feel very satisfying to play. Great work!

(1 edit) (+2)

Thanks for playing! I'm glad you enjoyed the small touches and polish. Sun Tzu once said "I fear not the man who has made 48 games, but I fear the man who has polished one game for 48 hours".


Wiser words have never been spoken


Just wanted to add that I have actually found myself coming back to this game again and again, this is probably my favourite game from the jam so far. There's just something so satisfying about the movement and the attacks - the sound, visuals, and tight controls make this an absolute blast to play

(2 edits) (+2)

Wow, I'm actually flattered to hear that. If you're really into it, you might be interested in seeing Ducc (the Dev behind Normal Golfing) set what was then the world record, with an incredible score of 71. The run starts at 4:12:47.