Glad to hear you were able to make progress working things out. The log file indicates that you're cooking with gas now on your Nvidia GPU :)
It didn't occur to me you were on a laptop until I looked up your exact CPU so you likely only have the one video output port on there. I had it in my head that you were on a desktop rig with the Nvidia GPU plugged into the motherboard adding video outputs. I've seen instances where people with a decent GPU in their rig using the onboard graphics because they had plugged their monitor into the motherboard instead of their GPU - so I was thinking maybe that's what might've been the situation you were dealing with but it still wouldn't explain why the onboard Intel HD GPU wasn't able to run PixelCNC properly because it should be completely able to run it just fine - albeit a bit slower.
As a new user test-driving PixelCNC please feel free to share any feedback, any issues, ideas, suggestions, etcetera that you have. Everyone's input is valuable. A lot of great suggestions have culminated in what PixelCNC is now today and what it will be with v.144's release soon.
Getting to beta has been the main focus as of recent - which entails implementing the rest of the planned list of features. Once PixelCNC is in beta there will be a bit of a gear-switch taking place and we'll be working on learning materials such as tutorial videos and the such, so keep an eye out over the coming months. Any significant developments will be conveyed via PixelCNC's automatic update system - so as long as you at least run it once in a while you'll be apprised of the latest happenings as updates are released.
Thanks for your interest in PixelCNC!