Thanks for the info + for checking out the game :3 I'm sorry you weren't able to get it working still in the end :(
Unfortunately, all these months down the line I'm still none the wiser as to what on earth I can possibly do to fix the issue >.< The support discussion I had open pretty much just ended with the support manager saying the devs of the software say that macs are awkward, that it'll work for some and not for others... Which is not exactly an acceptable solution! It's very frustrating that the support for the software just isn't there :(
This is one of the main reasons I'm giving up on using Tyranobuilder to make stuff. I've got a new engine now which will hopefully allow me to make games which will run on mac more reliably! I still need to learn how to use it though, and I probably won't be remaking SR on there for the foreseeable future cos it would just be too much work to remake it all in the new engine :( I do hope to completely remake it with new sprites in the future, but that'll be a long way off.
It sucks you're not able to play it either anyhow :( Really sorry about that! Thank you for the interest though + I hope you're managing to stay safe :3