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The thing I enjoyed most about this game was the writing and worldbuilding. I think that these were really well done. One of the biggest risks and challenges with trying to introduce an entire world in a limited space like a twine game with a set due date, is explaining how things work without the heavy, overwhelming feeling of an exposition dump. I think that this game accomplished it pretty well. I didn't feel lost while playing through the game at all, and I enjoyed Mana's quirkier less serious character.

I didn't get a feeling that it is easy to have a loss state in this game. It felt pretty linear when I was playing through it (though I could be wrong about this since I only played it once). Especially during the RESIST part, I felt like there was just no way I could have failed that at all, and there was a little bit of a disconnect there between what the character was going through and what the player is going through. Maybe giving more choices during this part, despite them all leading to a success (which is likely imperative to making the story progress), could have given more of a feeling of the player struggling alongside the character? 

Other than that, this has really strong writing and sense of plot. I enjoyed playing it a lot! The writing definitely added a lot to the emotions and characterization which made the water-sucking lights genuinely creepy. (Also, I caught your lil author's note Easter egg)