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You've built a really nice atmosphere with this one! It feels kinda like a black mirror episode, which is really interesting. I can pretty vividly picture the setting of this story, which is always difficult with a twine. Good job on that front. I will say that sometimes, it is a little weird that the links that just progress the text forward are at the beginning of a paragraph, because when I see a link, I want to press it, but I also want to know what's going on, so I end up reading the paragraph and then going back up to advance the text. It's a super minor detail, though, and it doesn't detract from the experience at all. I really like the overall plot arch, and I'm glad it has an open-ended ending. You do a really good job of simulating a day in the life in this much more vast world, kinda like the movie Dredd. Overall, it's a really interesting direction to go and I'm glad I was along for the ride! P.S. I found you out.