What I like:
-The music ( Third game in a row with awesome music, wth )
-The pixel-art. Really good.
-The game is juicy.
-The SFX
-There is a faster mode.
-Make a tutorial. Game is kinda confusing at the beggining.
What can improve:
-Game is not balanced. Chaos is definitely the best gun.
-Game just plays by itself. Yeah, I understand this is a tower defence game, but like I said, Chaos just makes it autoplay for you.
-Each time the screen shakes there seems to be some error with the sorting order. This happened to my game and if you put 2 game objects on the same layer and you screenshake that happens. I think you could fix that by making so there is a GameObject with a script counting how many times enemies were spawned and put each new enemy on the enemiesSpawned ( make this a variable ) + 1 layer.
-Chaos, the minigun/starter gun ( and maybe other guns ) are just stupid for faster enemies. ( I think ) They shoot at their current position but the faster enemies are too small and too fast, so the bullets won't hit sometimes, causing me to lose due to those chip damages.
Question: How is this related to the theme?
Is this a good high-score? ( 6680 )