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We also found some inconsistencies in the MaelStrom engine.

1. This is incorrect work of shaders for the sea. I gave an example of ERAS mod, old storm and COAS 1.3.0 on MaelStrom. Here you can see that shaders are not working correctly.
2. This is a first person sight at sea. By default, it should be yellow, and it should be white when aiming at neutral ships.

Sorry if we don't know something. We just draw your attention to the discrepancies we found.
Best regards, LEOPARD!


That looks like a bug in the original engine, not Maelstrom; Maelstrom does it correctly.  The texture is an alpha mask, with no color, so it will take the shade of color sent to the engine from the Crosshair colors.

If you look at SEA_AI\AICameras.c for COAS, these are the colors:

Crosshair.Colors.Default = argb(0, 255, 255, 255);
Crosshair.Colors.Enemy = argb(0, 255, 0, 0);
Crosshair.Colors.Friend = argb(0, 0, 255, 0);
Crosshair.Colors.Neutral = argb(0, 128, 128, 128);

Default is White (255,255,255), Enemy is Red (255,0,0), Friend is Green (0,255,0), Neutral is Grey (128,128,128).  See

If you want the Default to be Yellow, change this line:

Crosshair.Colors.Default = argb(0, 255, 255, 255); //For Yellow, change it to argb(0, 255, 255, 0)

Good time!

I am again to you for a request and probably for the last time on the topic of "interface".
I even had to hire a translator so that he could voice what I say and explain)
You are welcome. watch the video.

(1 edit)

Good time!
I decided to make a 2048x2048 texture for the ship icons. I arranged everything as it should, but the main icons of the GG and companions are displayed incorrectly. On the command sheet, everything is fine, as you can see in the screenshot.

And yet, what about the interface. I sent you a video with explanations. What should we do?

Latest update contains font resizing, and should probably also fix dynamic button placement.  Also, the powder icon should also now work with that BattleInterface.c file you sent me.

The problem with the options table width for Key Controls, in 600x800 the cell width is also wrong, and also displays improperly in 4/3, so it will be wrong in all other resolutions too.  The correct the options_screen.ini:


position = 435,296,758,498
colswidth = 30,289

If you changed the ship icons texture to include more columns/rows of ships, you must instruct the engine, because the assumed, default size is 8x8:

BattleInterface.ShipIcon.xsize = ??
BattleInterface.ShipIcon.ysize = ??

Also make sure all the ships also point to the correct index, because if they start at zero and count left-to-right, the down, for function SetShipPictureDataByShipTypeName.  You will also have to correct for the new colums/rows in the WorldMap, by fixing function GetTextureUVForShip in the scripts.

This will probably be the last work for this resizing, because only two of you are asking for this, and we see no real benefit, because we don't want our mod to retain a 4x3 aspect ratio for all GUI screens.  I was instructed by MK to simply stop working on it because we get no benefit from my work on this; we presume the Maelstrom Engine will be included in your downloads and therefore we get nothing for the work.

I noticed the BattleInterface.c comments showed that Mett added the powder and when I mentioned this to MK, he declared that he as asked to collaborate with him so that MK could get some ship models and a scene tool from Mett, but he was refused or ignored by Mett.  If you are working on Secret Beach, MK thinks that I should do no more, since we don't get anything for this, and if the Maelstrom Engine gets offered in your mod downloads, we'll get nothing from that either.  We obviously can't stop you, but that's where we stand now.

I changed the texture of the ships and specified everything as it should. One line contains 32 icons. I indicated the same to the engine. But for some reason he does not want to display correctly.

Texture 2048x2048 =
BattleInterface.ShipIcon.xsize = 32
BattleInterface.ShipIcon.ysize = 32
Or did I do something wrong? I apologize for this nonsense.

I do not work with Mett. We have different views and different projects. He generally has his own engine and his own development. I do not climb to him, he does not climb to me. The script I sent you was the only request for him to share it. And in general, he would hardly let me in to his development, tk. I am very weak at writing code.

As for the interface, I understood everything. I won't bother you anymore. Sorry if something is wrong :(

Thank you very much for your help and implementation of various utilities!
Best regards, LEOPARD!

You haven't answered the sea shaders yet - they are static. I showed you in the previous short video.

P.S. I'm not going to be giving away the Maelstrom Engine publicly. I'm not interested in this. My team of 5 got it to help me and that's it. I think it would be very disrespectful to you - to give away your development for free, depriving you of income. I plan to release only resources and scripts, and for Maelstrom Engine I will send people here to you.

Everything. We figured out the icons. We just don't know. that such code exists for the engine. There were misunderstandings on this.
Thank you again for your help!

Another update to fix when you edit the start.ini with a screen resolution not among the supported DirectX query results.  It will still override and choose the best resolution that is close to the x/y you type, but it will no longer stretch the main menu or GUI interface when it does so.  This was a true bug, so I fixed it.  One of the reasons this takes me awhile to figure out is that I have 25 years of programming in business/accounting software, but have no experience of graphic or game software, so I really don't know much about DirectX programming.  I followed some simple instructions for upgrading DX8 to DX9, but I do not know the intricacies of programming 3D graphics.  That is also the reason I have no answers for the sea shading.  I didn't change the shaders at all, so if you feel the shading looks different, it may just be a difference between DX8 and DX9 rendering the same shaders differently.  You can see the shaders in the modules/techniques/weather .sha files; they are the same for DX8 and DX9.  My lack of 3D graphic knowledge might also explain why the GUI resizing is not so simple for me to figure out...there is probably an easy trick to do it globally, but I don't know what that might be, so I have to manually adjust all the different GUI elements in 83 different source code files for the GUI interface code.

Yes, we understand everything perfectly. I have mined some code that may help you in this regard.