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Hiii. So i just didcovered this game a few days ago and im absolutely in love with the graphics and story(have been playing 3 days straight just to complete some story quest ๐Ÿ˜‚). Im really hoping that in future we can see how our protag is(hopefully we will also get the sex scenes with some(hoping for all thought) encounters?). You guys are doing a great work, also i have some feedbacks for some confusing parts and for maybe new things to be add?

First is the encounter with the tar creatures with the bitch sense: If you encounter the tars with ur lust in 100% the text screen skip right to when the second creature appaears and the first creature are already fucking you.

The sex scene with the insects in the dump: If during a fight with a horny insect creature you chose to wait after it binds you trought its actions, the text for "surrender by lust" can be a little confusing. Because it starts to fuck you while you are bind but when the "surrender by lust" test comes it just say that the creature started to fuck you. I also think that the venon that the insect insert in the protag when biding him could have a paralisy effect too(like you cant struggle for a few few rounds). The new idea part is, maybe in future to do a mpreg scene with these insects, like it pours its eggs in the protag (eggs smaller than the tar ones) and some of the eggs kinda of stay glued to the protagonist intestine walls(it could cause some kinda of negative effect too like some stats downwards or a increasing lust state?) It could go on for a few days and the insects that the protagonist gives birth too just go away back to the dump or die after going out(maybe this could count as a favor to the night witch, some spawns from the mutated insects).

Other scene that vould have a mpreg would be the tentacle/vine tree in the mist part of the swamp, something like every sunday night the tree will have something different about it, after the sex scene your belly stays a bit inflated and the tree sap blocks your anus entrance for 2 days(you can get it off with some kinda of special potion). After two days you give birth to a tentacle/vine and you can chose to use it as a sex toy or to use as ingredient in some kinda of potion(or sell to the witch too)

I would really like to have some kinda of place to take a bath in the house too( can be just a place outside the house(close to it thought) where you use whater from buckets to wash up). 

And finally more a curiosity that i dunno if u choose to not to put in it. But when rats mate the semen from the male makes a plug after the copulation (to prevent other to copulate and definetely impregnate the female). So maybe put a event with a big rat or wererat that is in mating period to make the protag have their(rats) semen blocked, maybe with  a small belly inflated effect too, and the protag can unblocked while washing in the house but he doesn't want anyone to see this shameful fact(the belly from the wererat/rat semen) and try to avoid encountering with people during his way back.

Well in all, thank you for your great work ๐Ÿ˜Š