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A member registered Mar 17, 2020

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So I have a few doubts about the purchasing options(because they are so many lol). 

So buying at 30$ give you the right to preorder the game right? This mean we can download a beta version of the game already? When the game is finished can we play the finished version normally?

The second option about buying the mocha route... Only if we buy this option can we get to marry and have kids on beta? In the future when the games finish will we have the routes for free(after we bought the game for 30$) or we will have to buy each route when they are updated?

Hm for now it's just these question. I really wanna buy this game but it costs to much for me now (my main currency it's not dollar so). That's why I want to resolve my doubts before I actually purchase it. Thanks "3

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Well i decided to take a time from the game and wait for the v30 update.....but i couldnt wait enough so I became a patreon.(because I dreamed about this game with new features OK?) 馃槀

And I must say that I LOVEEe it the changes in the new version... Also patrons have a little bit of advantage if they want to have so I didn't fell to much the "loss of the save files".

Also I found really cool that one thing that I suggest was changed(dunno if other suggested too) that was a part with tar being that was a bit confusing (like the dialogue box when the creature restrains you just jumped for the "just let them bred you" dialogue if u wait until ur lust bar filed...and didn't make sense because u where being restrained by one creature and the next dialogue show u having "fun" with two......yup I'm kinda the curious player who made the character a tad masochist health potions though XD)(in fact if this game had a title giving achievement I would totally be something like "non thinking beasts slut" or "really odd partners choices" or "unique taste"). Anyway thank you very much to changing the dialogue to make it have more sense 馃グ馃グ

Also I really hope in future we can have a bathroom to take baths(or maybe swim in the lakes?).....because you know I just keep imagining the player wandering around all smeared in cum, pee, slime, swamp vine goo and god knows what substance he can have after encounters 馃槀馃槀 maybe have some kinda of status effect(that can be good or bad) because of this(also I saw somewhere that cum have to be cleaned or it will have some bad side effects if let for to long in man).

Really want to ask for more mpreg scenes(that could also be added to female characters I guess?) in some special circumstances(like the vine tree in the mist maze) that actually makes the character have the bulging belly for some days(not like in the tar that we just have it for like 2 seconds?)...but I think it may be to difficult to put for now and the creator may be focused in adding more story content.

Anyway all in all I want to thankkk all the people who where involved(hyao, the person in charge for the android build, the person in charge for the illustration, etc). This is an amazing  game. 馃グ馃グ馃グ馃グ馃グ馃グ馃グ

ok so just to see if i understand. So doesn't metter if u are doing the bad/good ending the slimes stats just stay in (--) in favorability? 馃

So i saw u talking about the slimes insane scene and does it change anything about the slimes?(like likes from slimes in general) because some monsters are practically neutral doesn't matter of u artack them or not. So i just think if in the corrupt rout that could change?

well.... I found in the contents down bellow a person that listed all the event(well mostly) that she/he could remember for anothe player and it have some logan scenes(the werewolf scene and also two when he is corrupted and goes with blake(the smith?) And another that he fingers himself in ww form). But did you try to search on google like "lustful desire logan scenes" or " lustful desire how to get logan scenes" ? If someone have talk about it here in the comment section it will be the first result to show it  up 馃槀馃槀 (belive me i try it to search for finding a way to get to the lizardmans temple.....unfortunately i didn't find it just for the prietess quest... I really loose a lot of time until i discovered that i just had to play with the statue (roth) dick to get in)

Other place that i lost too much time to discover was how to get the metal to make the prison cells. I unblocked the north town thinking that i could buy some there, just to discover that all i need was to acept the rats in tavern quest 馃槀馃槀馃槀 man.... The lust potions that i spend to win over gunner and scar T.T, the time i spend farming to do more potions, well anyway i get it in the end 馃槀馃槀

(2 edits)

ok...did u started doing already? If yes i need to know where in the task book you are. If not just open your text book(the parchment simbol in the toolbar) and see what you need to do for the full moon quest? I think i got the quest after getting the quest from bernard "lost friend" you need to have some likes with him to free the quest.

Also for the bernad 3 hearts did u complete all of the werewolf tasks(that u can see in tqsk book)? Because i won 3 heasrts probably doing the werewolf tasks, and helping him in the shop(after completing the hut in the wood task with bernad) to win some money 馃

To be sure i didn't even knew that i had 3 hearts with him, after ur vomment i just went to check it and i have 馃槀

In the upgrading city task? Did u wait 20 days after finishing one building to build another?(i build the watch tower and now im waiting for the 20 days of rest to end)

Did u do the work out sessions?(this is the only thing i can get from logan now馃き馃き)  but probably some hot moments when helping upgrading the city? I especially dunno because i really didn't want to get they(logan and bernad) to love me, just wanted to stay in "being a good friend that helps" but we kind have to win it with the quest from werewolf curse. Because you know latter i just starting shipping them with others 馃槀 first i thoyght that logan and bernard could be a item, but after caleb gets back i just think they would be better together. Roushk have the priestess(and i really doesnt have heart to take him from her(any more lustful contact i think would trigger the curse on him again). I was good with rhot but them when i brought the black lizard and saw both of hem arging and the scene where the black lozard sleeps hugging rhot arm i just though that the two of them are really a couple 馃槀馃槀馃槀( well its not a so proper game and they actions semms to be more than a bff's actions).  Logan i just don't wanna make him love me because i fucked pretty much with some other species(sometimes because i wanted to see the text of the scene e other times because i clicked in tje wrong buttom), and after the thing with his ex wife i dont think its cool to be like that.

And we have the horse man too(that also loves me yet kk), feliar(that i really don't fully trust), succubus im just ignoring her, the people from the north mess i just don't wna have more things with them, the orcs(im working to increase their trust in me now kkk), the dwarf (i dunno how his rout of the story is yet, or if the goblins cave is open?(i think we have to get the hint with him)), the troll i dont have any especial fellings and the wererats in junkyard(with the red panda? That im really curious to see what will hapen in next update).

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I was thinking the same thing whit rhot and roushk(in fact all the izardmans have stoped to get like from the actions).... So i guess that the numbers you got is the most we can get in this version of the game? They will probably add more in future with more of the mains quests(especially the lizarsman because we have an ongoing quest with them(lizardman relics?) That from my point of view is the part two of the lust question). So i think u can play the bad ending now, just let the good ending saved for next updates. 馃

Fun fact my first lizardman heart was from the black lizardman because i pitted him, i have like 12 likes with him and a heart already 馃槀

Hiii. So i just didcovered this game a few days ago and im absolutely in love with the graphics and story(have been playing 3 days straight just to complete some story quest 馃槀). Im really hoping that in future we can see how our protag is(hopefully we will also get the sex scenes with some(hoping for all thought) encounters?). You guys are doing a great work, also i have some feedbacks for some confusing parts and for maybe new things to be add?

First is the encounter with the tar creatures with the bitch sense: If you encounter the tars with ur lust in 100% the text screen skip right to when the second creature appaears and the first creature are already fucking you.

The sex scene with the insects in the dump: If during a fight with a horny insect creature you chose to wait after it binds you trought its actions, the text for "surrender by lust" can be a little confusing. Because it starts to fuck you while you are bind but when the "surrender by lust" test comes it just say that the creature started to fuck you. I also think that the venon that the insect insert in the protag when biding him could have a paralisy effect too(like you cant struggle for a few few rounds). The new idea part is, maybe in future to do a mpreg scene with these insects, like it pours its eggs in the protag (eggs smaller than the tar ones) and some of the eggs kinda of stay glued to the protagonist intestine walls(it could cause some kinda of negative effect too like some stats downwards or a increasing lust state?) It could go on for a few days and the insects that the protagonist gives birth too just go away back to the dump or die after going out(maybe this could count as a favor to the night witch, some spawns from the mutated insects).

Other scene that vould have a mpreg would be the tentacle/vine tree in the mist part of the swamp, something like every sunday night the tree will have something different about it, after the sex scene your belly stays a bit inflated and the tree sap blocks your anus entrance for 2 days(you can get it off with some kinda of special potion). After two days you give birth to a tentacle/vine and you can chose to use it as a sex toy or to use as ingredient in some kinda of potion(or sell to the witch too)

I would really like to have some kinda of place to take a bath in the house too( can be just a place outside the house(close to it thought) where you use whater from buckets to wash up). 

And finally more a curiosity that i dunno if u choose to not to put in it. But when rats mate the semen from the male makes a plug after the copulation (to prevent other to copulate and definetely impregnate the female). So maybe put a event with a big rat or wererat that is in mating period to make the protag have their(rats) semen blocked, maybe with  a small belly inflated effect too, and the protag can unblocked while washing in the house but he doesn't want anyone to see this shameful fact(the belly from the wererat/rat semen) and try to avoid encountering with people during his way back.

Well in all, thank you for your great work 馃槉

I can really see this game story developing like diedritch? Train the prince and dregade him more until he opens himself with him, and tells what is making him not wanting to love anyone. Something like his mother had loved his father completely but his father didn't return his mother love and she went insane, start to seek pleasure with other, try to cause jelousy in her husband, create scandals, but nothing worked and the king found another wife? His brother's mother. When this happened the prince mother mad and exausted tried to assassinate the other wife, and was executed and thats why the prince was a virgen and tried to avoid relationships. In this point we can have like two finales, one that ur actions in game made diedeitch discard the prince after he had fun and trained him staying that he was boring and command him to serve as a monster nusery/hatcher and another that diedritch really falls a bit for him and have him remaing by his side and eventually leaves his seed in him. After some years the prince father see his kingdom fall apart because his sucessor was easily influenced, and goes seek his abandoned son out to help him or the stone that the prince wanted. In the first path the ex-king and his soldier goes through the florest killing beast until they found the prince that is now just a recipient for the monster seeds, without will or soul and he didn't even talk anymore, and they decide to kill him for not let the monster population increase, diedritch appaers too late to kill the intruders and kay was shot and is dying,. In the second path when the ex king try to enter in the woods and start killing monster, diedric appaers and shows them the prince, everyone is shocked to see that the fierce prince is now submissive and a father, and the prince just look at them and says to didritch "i don't know them, my only family is master" and turns arround and walk away while diedritch kill everyone.

P.s. nine could be somekind of incubus and help in some sex scenes or punishiments too