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Thanks for reporting the bugs! I have an inkling of what’s going on with most of these, and will try to get them fixed ASAP ^^; 

The line of dialog you captured is intentional, and I was actually really curious whether or not people would catch it. I actually went back and forth about whether or not I should include it (or conversely, elaborate on the details happening in this scene) but ultimately decided to leave it as is. In this line of dialog, Bo is (accidentally) misgendering Vinny, who has changed pronouns since the last time they've spoken. Shay is (gently) correcting them. I wanted to illustrate how in this world the idea of somebody transitioning (or otherwise changing their gender presentation or pronoun usage) is seen as something relatively unremarkable. If or when Bo encounters Vinny again, they might they might congratulate her on her new pronouns, but the news that Vinny is using she/her pronouns wouldn't interrupt the overall flow of the conversation Bo is having with Shay.

Anyway — it’s my turn to make a comment that is much longer than I expected. Thank you so much for your kind words and feedback. It really does mean a lot to hear what other people think of my game. <3

Ooh so Bo and Ben were misgendering Vinny! Showing people making mistakes on  transitioning  is nice to see, it is a purely natural thing that doesn't show in visual novels often. Best of luck with the bugs and thanks for the reply :)