hey all, I just wanted to follow up on this to say that after having had the last playtest, I've decided to go back to the drawing board and reframe a lot of the mechanics so they better fit the kind of game Crescent Moon is.
On the one hand that's great because it's giving me a more clear direction to work towards and I'm already pretty excited about the shape that the new version is starting to take, but it also means that I'm not really comfortable having the current version up publicly, and the new one is going to take a bit more than 12 hours, I'm afraid!
Because of that I've decided not to officially submit to the jam, although, naturally, version 0.1 , 0.2, and the playtest all happened under the deadline. 😉
Big thanks to everyone who took the time to read through the thing, and was kind enough to give some feedback (or actually play it!), and of course to Tanya for hosting such a cool event!! It's been a great learning experience and I hope to be able to do more of this in the future (although my crippling work schedule pleads otherwise, hehe)
see you soon <3
there will eventually be an itch page for the game. But in the meantime, I may be posting devlogs and prototypes over on https://crescent-moon-rpg.tumblr.com/ (turns out doing so it's more fun than i thought!)