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First of all, thank you for your honest feedback. During our beta test, we saw that feeling among some play testers too. However, Gunny decided to keep it that way. He guessed that feeling is similar to his feeling when he is totally alone among sus. We know there is a little secret right before our eyes but it's really annoy to figure out. Actually, I promise you that you can surely figure the first secret out without any penny or advertising. Only the extra bonus "Ghost" will. However, you actually good to go with Pro or Noob levels. Hope the moment you shout "Eureka" could be the most exciting experience you would have from the game. Gunny will stop here otherwise he will spoil the fun  of   many other newcomers.

I'm sorry my previous comment was so negative. I feel really bad now because I see a potential for a pretty sweet browser game, I just had a good deal of trouble with it. I should not having taken my frustration out on you all though. That was not cool of me to do. I hope you can forgive me.

@littlecorona48 it's ok. We all have good days and bad days, especially in this social distancing year. Have a place to share like among real friends like this is valueable. We're glad and appreciate that you talked to us, it may shred the light for other frustrating Postors too. ;)

I'll keep playing and I'll try to find that epic secret it was talking about. 

Great. We will support you. You can do it!