Very cool. I like the allele-based gameplay, and the atmosphere and writing are great. I eventually stopped playing because of the lack of an encyclopedia to review which things I'd bred to what results. But if that were present, I could see myself going through all of the content.
Notes from when I was playing:
The machine being available by hovering the mouse near the left side of the screen was really hard for me to discover.
The water icons were a little stressful, as I had no idea how to water the plants.
Oh, it took me a full bankruptcy and getting back to the quest screen to realize there was a watering can. It's really tiny and looks like one of the pots.
Once I figured out how the breeding letter pair selection worked, it was really slick. But I wish there was a little display at the bottom or something that told you what you'd filled in so far.
Would love to have place where I can check what alleles yield which results, so I can deduce how to get the results I need with less trial and error.