Wow, that intro totally explains the beginning, like the "convenient cell key". After watching that, I might give your game another run to get a better "feel" of it haha. This is actually a game I'd been kinda interested in playing someday, as I am a HUGE fan of the Dark Fantasy genre (one of my favourite genres to write as well).
Oh yes, there are some horrid gems so we are all up against fierce competition!I seriously think Super Catch'Dem Munsters will win xD I loved that one, if not win, it'll definitely be in the Top 5 bundle haha.
I love this jam concept too, so when I found it, I hopped aboard right away as this is right up my ally 'cause a concept like this means developing will be nothing but pure fun. Plus it spawns.... great "creativity" haha. Let us hope our host holds another one~ I ended up liking mine so much, I may even EXPAND upon it with sequels and prequels for other jams to come for the hell of it, for it to be some "undying franchise" kinda joke maybe xD
Ooh that is good. I haven't really did much with scripting anyway so MV sounds easy to slide into. I love the new, shiney graphics and characters so it is an engine I'd love to try when it goes on sale or something.