I have gone and read some of the source code and wanted to make a list of keybinds and stuff as a reminder for myself so i decided to also post it here
- Deleting chips and wires :
for chips select it and press either the backspace key or the delete key
for wires only put your mouse over it and press again the backspace key or delete key
- Reading pin names
hover your cursor over the black part of each pin and press left alt
note that this works for both chips and the main pins
i changed my hotkey to be able to take this lmao
- Cancel placement of wires and newly placed chips
when you click to place a new chip it will follow your mouse cursor
same with wires, to cancel that press Escape or Backspace or Delete
Those were the useful keybinds i found in Scripts/Interaction
Going to read the SaveSystem.cs and possibly try to debug with dnSpy to find out where it saves the files, expect updates in the replies