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Of course I have to throw in my two cents before shamefully linking my gameplay.

I absolutely adore pixel horror games because they're really nostalgic to me. 

Imscared was the original pixel horror game that I found myself playing all the time, but this game gave me vibes back to the originals and it's super impressive. 

Alright, let's do pros and cons! 

Pros: Super tense and kept me on edge, never got stuck anywhere, super impressive detailing and level design when it comes to progressing. 

Cons: Too short, very few great scares, sounds got super repetitive. 

Tha was so cool! xD

Thanks for playing the game dude. Cool video. 

Not entirely sure what you meant about the sounds being repetitive. Yes the beating bass in continuous throughout the entire game; this is was an intentional decision. The game is split into 6 sections; and there are 4 different "sound tracks" that play throughout the game; each changing depending on when you reach the desired area. There are also geiger count style radiation sound effects and some other stuff. Not entire sure what particular sounds got super repetitive, considering you're only in each room for about 2 minutes tops there's very little chance that you'll hear much of a loop.