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This is basically a point-and-click adventure. I didn't want to spend too much time on the game since I'm just taking a break and I also crashed the game by sliding the far left slider thingy. A large alert dialog appeared and the game stopped working.


  1. Some dialog by an assistant would help. I was honestly overwhelmed by all the controls. I think if you started the game as if the player was a suddenly appointed pilot, it would ease the player into getting familiar with all the controls.
  2. Arrows. Point to the thing the player must use to interact with what's on screen. I honestly took longer than I'd like to admit to find the joystick. The joystick icon was also not very clear as to what it was referring to.

Overall, it looks like you've spent a lot of time on this and it has a lot of potential. I like the idea that I could get familiar with the controls and become an amazing star pilot.

(1 edit) (+1)

Hi lewdev, sorry about the confusion and the bugs! :(

We completely agree with you that the game is not beginner friendly right now and some of the UI prompts are not as intuitive as we had initially thought. We are currently working on a UI rework and a short tutorial sequence to gently introduce all the mechanics and controls  of the game. There's a lot going on and we realize that new players should be eased into them.

We think there is a high skill ceiling to this game and a lot of different play styles. That along with the different constellations (which get progressively harder) and the different endings should definitely give the player a sense of accomplishment if they're able to finish them.

Thanks for taking the time to play the game and leaving constructive feedback. Really appreciate it!