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As I am in a somewhat unique position, here is a bit of Feedback for the team :

I used to play the very first publicly available version of this and nothing after until the latest one. I can honestly say I am impressed, all of you put a lot of work into it and it shows. 

The focus on providing actual gameplay is quite clear. Only thing limiting are the limits of the engine itself and even those are stretched  and you go beyond. Good work with the tools at your disposal. Pacing and balancing of actions vs rewards is still a bit off but not gamebreaking. 

The girls are loveable and unique. Each have their strengths and flaws. Interactions between the girls could still see some work but you seem to pick up on that. I understand that the sandbox elements make it harder to implement those interactions. 

The MC. Well where to start. Him having almost no redeeming qualities is part of the story. And I get that he is as dense as he is for comedic purposes. I still think you are overdoing it a bit there. You create loveable characters the player is supposed to care for and pair them with a guy, who 90% of the time acts like he has no empathy whatsoever and with the social skills of a log of wood. He does have his moments (mainly interacting with Fara, Sunny or Shuni) but many of his interactions are questionable. No problem showing someone unintentionally hurting others out of naivety or inexperience, but his lack of thought and reflection on this makes him look like a douche quite often. 

Overall I was blown away by the leap in quality this game has made. One can feel, that there is a lot of passion and sweat poured into this. Wishing all of you to not lose the fun and passion creating, you got something good going here. 

Thank you so much! :')