Do you have a pledge for your thing with the account you’re attempting to log in with?
Thanks, I was able to identify the issue with the information you provided. It appears you have a pledge without a reward associated with it. I’m guessing this is because you started your pledge a very long time ago when patreon didn’t force you to collect a reward, or you started pledging before the campaign had rewards.
In any case, we now account for this type of pledge and it should no longer throw an error.
Aside from that message above, I have confirmed that your fixes have resulted in fixing both of the problems now.
The campaign owner is now able to refresh the campaign details (he was previously receiving the same error I was when trying to connect and disconnect patreon), and I am now able to verify my pledge and get access.
I’m still concerned that you’re being told we don’t actually have tiers (because I’ve had other people test and we all definitely have tiers selected), but it does work now at least.
That’s a separate issue. Patreon’s API is returning HTTP 403. Either Patreon is at fault here, or perhaps the account owner deleted from the list of connected apps from the Patreon side? If they disconnect and reconnect on then it may solve that: