Could you let us know what the changes for the currency are? Does/will it enable us to define requirements per currency or is it more a case of it automatically converts it?
At the moment we have a temporary solution deployed:
It looks at the value of the reward that has been granted by their pledge. So if they pledged 6 EUR and Patreon granted them access to a reward that has the value of $7 USD then you could enter the minimum value of $7 and they will get access.
This does not work in all cases though, as we’re seeing what appear to be legacy pledges that have no reward associated with them. Additionally, it does not work well with campaigns that are naively in another currency.
Still trying to decide on what a long term solution will be. There are a few options we’re considering:
- Let the developer specify requirements in all supported currencies.
- Have the developer select specific rewards that will grant access, instead of setting a minimum amount