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(1 edit) (+6)

At the moment they do not as to the future of the story that has not been confirmed. However if there are truly no lesbians or lesbian content featured then it will be updated. I don't see why you've provided a 1 star review either just because your expectations were incorrect, the description explains what this game is about prior to playing/downloading and would recommend next time reading that beforehand.


It's still false labeling, If it isn't excusevly girl on girl, it's not lesbian... Plain and simple, Don't use Tags that don't accurately describe your game. You don't see people making games where they say the protagonist is a gay man but only have them have sex with women do you?


I genuinely do see your reasoning however what you are failing to grasp is that the description describes what is happening in the game specifically you are a male. This therefore means the tag shows the game does feature lesbian action. I'm sorry you have clearly not played it to see any lesbian action regardless we will have to agree to disagree.


So? Just because there's two girls making love doesn't mean they are lesbian. By that logic, if a game as a poster of a dragon in the background, does that mean you can have the tag "Dragon" to descrbe your game?  If a girl has sex with both men AND women, then there shouldn't be the "Lesbian" Tag, but the Bisexual tag. The Lesbian page is NOT for games with a male protagonist, unless they DON'T have sex with any of the female cast.


As stated we will agree to disagree thank you.

(1 edit) (+11)(-1)

You're taking this too far and getting way too offended by this TyrrantX.
This is considered hate posting and it should have ended after the first comment, if you don't believe a tag was correctly used, then you may report it to Itchio themselves instead of taking it upon yourself.
-Also you are incorrect with how the tag system works as you stated: "If it isn't excusevly girl on girl, it's not lesbian... Plain and simple, Don't use Tags that don't accurately describe your game."
>However tags DO NOT HAVE TO pertain to the entirety of the game, but even only minor situations that occur.
(I am in no way related to the maker of this game, or the game in absolutely anyway, I am completely unbiased and am simply correcting you due to your incorrectness and toxic behavior).


I'd have to agree with Vixby on this. Monocle, i know this may be your first game and you're proud of it. But that doesn't mean you should let yourself be baited by an internet troll. some people just post stuff that are designed to make others mad.


Thanks for this both of you Henfield and Vixby I can see now how I got baited clearly. To be perfectly honest not only is it my first game but to be creatively judged is still a fresh experience whilst doing other stuff creatively it's still fresh for me. Thanks for this both of you it did open my eyes. 

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the first dude was wrong, if a scene features women only, then the game can be considered to have lesbian scenes.
eg: if you take it up the arse, thats gay, no matter how many women you've also slept with.
... but this bullshit about "hate posting"? i think you're on the wrong website if you want political correctness. try twitter or some other ideological cesspool. in reality, theres no such thing as "hate speech".