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Wow, I'm impressed that you were able to put such a large multiplayer framework together in the jam window!  Seeing the other players was a nice touch, although it would be nice if there was a bit more interaction to give purpose to the multiplayer elements.  The gameplay also felt good and was easy to learn.  In particular, the damage multiplier made the game interesting by providing a sort of high-risk high-reward opportunity for players to increase their power by fighting the minions.  The main issue I noticed is that the rounds mostly devloved into a race to the werewolf, which made the other gameplay elements pointless.  You could solve this pretty easily by adding something like doors that require a certain damage multiplier to get through or by having the werewolf spawn in random locations.  Overall, this is a neat idea, and it has a lot of potential if you ever choose to expand on it.  Great job!