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// Token: 0x06000991 RID: 2449 RVA: 0x000236A0 File Offset: 0x00021AA0 private IEnumerator Teleporter() { this.playerCollider.enabled = false; this.player.walkSpeed = 0f; this.player.runSpeed = 0f; Debug.Log("Start Teleporter"); int teleports = UnityEngine.Random.Range(7, 14); int teleportCount = 0; float baseTime = 0.3f; float currentTime = baseTime; float increaseFactor = 1.1f; while (teleportCount < teleports) { currentTime -= Time.deltaTime; if (currentTime < 0f) { this.Teleport(); teleportCount++; baseTime *= increaseFactor; currentTime = baseTime; } this.player.height = 4f; yield return null; } this.player.walkSpeed = 10f; this.player.runSpeed = 20f; Debug.Log("End Teleporter"); this.playerCollider.enabled = true; yield break; }

// Token: 0x06000992 RID: 2450 RVA: 0x000236BC File Offset: 0x00021ABC private void Teleport() { this.AILocationSelector.GetNewTarget(); this.player.transform.position = this.AILocationSelector.transform.position + Vector3.up * this.player.height; this.audioDevice.PlayOneShot(this.aud_Teleport); this.baldiScrpt.Hear(base.transform.position, 10f); // Baldi Hears the Teleporting Sound }

IEnumerator ChewsiBar() { float timer = 15f; this.player.walkSpeed = 40f; this.player.runSpeed = 80f; Debug.Log("Make Player 4x Faster"); while (timer > 0) { timer -= Time.deltaTime; yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); } Debug.Log("Return Player To Normal Speed"); this.player.walkSpeed = 10f; this.player.runSpeed = 20f; }

IEnumerator PrincipalBanner() { float timer = 45f; this.principal.SetActive(false); this.bannedicon.SetActive(true); this.audioDevice.PlayOneShot(this.banned); Debug.Log("Principal has been banned!"); while (timer > 0) { timer -= Time.deltaTime; yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); } Debug.Log("Principal has been unbanned! Welcome back!"); this.principal.SetActive(true); this.bannedicon.SetActive(false); this.audioDevice.PlayOneShot(this.hebackpri); }

// Token: 0x06000093 RID: 147 RVA: 0x000052F4 File Offset: 0x000036F4 private void ResetItem() { this.item[this.itemSelected] = 0; //Resets the current item slot this.itemSlot[this.itemSelected].texture = this.itemTextures[0]; //Resets the current item slot texture this.UpdateItemName(); // Update The Item Name }

IEnumerator PencilStun(GameObject character) { float timer = 10f; UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshAgent navMeshAgent = character.GetComponent<UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshAgent>(); this.audioDevice.PlayOneShot(this.pencilstab); while (timer > 0) { navMeshAgent.velocity =; timer -= Time.deltaTime; yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); } }

// Token: 0x06000094 RID: 148 RVA: 0x00005324 File Offset: 0x00003724 public void LoseItem(int id) { this.item[id] = 0; //Resets the item slot this.itemSlot[id].texture = this.itemTextures[0]; //Resets the item slot texture this.UpdateItemName(); }

// Token: 0x06000095 RID: 149 RVA: 0x0000534A File Offset: 0x0000374A private void UpdateItemName() { this.itemText.text = this.itemNames[this.item[this.itemSelected]]; }

// Token: 0x06000096 RID: 150 RVA: 0x0000536C File Offset: 0x0000376C public void ExitReached() { this.exitsReached++; if (this.exitsReached == 1) { RenderSettings.ambientLight =; //Make everything red and start player the weird sound RenderSettings.fog = true; this.audioDevice.PlayOneShot(this.aud_Switch, 0.8f); this.audioDevice.clip = this.aud_MachineQuiet; this.audioDevice.loop = true; this.audioDevice.Play(); } if (this.exitsReached == 2) //Play a sound { this.audioDevice.volume = 0.8f; this.audioDevice.clip = this.aud_MachineStart; this.audioDevice.loop = true; this.audioDevice.Play(); } if (this.exitsReached == 3) //Play a even louder sound { this.audioDevice.clip = this.aud_MachineRev; this.audioDevice.loop = false; this.audioDevice.Play(); this.time += Time.deltaTime; if (this.exitsReached == 3) { this.baldiScrpt.GetAngry(0.75f * Time.deltaTime); } } }

// Token: 0x06000097 RID: 151 RVA: 0x00005459 File Offset: 0x00003859 public void DespawnCrafters() { this.crafters.SetActive(false); //Make Arts And Crafters Inactive }

private void MouseAppearing() { Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(new Vector2(Screen.width / 2, Screen.height / 2)); RaycastHit raycastHit;

if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out raycastHit) && (raycastHit.collider.tag == "Door" & Vector3.Distance(this.playerTransform.position, raycastHit.transform.position) < 15f & !this.gamePaused)) { this.reticle.SetActive(false); this.reticle2.SetActive(true); } else if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out raycastHit) && (raycastHit.collider.tag == "Notebook" & Vector3.Distance(this.playerTransform.position, raycastHit.transform.position) < 10f & !this.gamePaused)) { this.reticle.SetActive(false); this.reticle2.SetActive(true); } else if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out raycastHit) && (raycastHit.collider.tag == "Item" & Vector3.Distance(this.playerTransform.position, raycastHit.transform.position) < 10f & !this.gamePaused)) { this.reticle.SetActive(false); this.reticle2.SetActive(true); } else if ( == "PayPhone" & Vector3.Distance(this.playerTransform.position, raycastHit.transform.position) < 10f & !this.gamePaused) { this.reticle.SetActive(false); this.reticle2.SetActive(true); } else if ( == "TapePlayer" & Vector3.Distance(this.playerTransform.position, raycastHit.transform.position) < 10f & !this.gamePaused) { this.reticle.SetActive(false); this.reticle2.SetActive(true); } else if ( == "Clocker" & Vector3.Distance(this.playerTransform.position, raycastHit.transform.position) < 15f & !this.gamePaused) { this.reticle.SetActive(false); this.reticle2.SetActive(true); } else if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out raycastHit) && (raycastHit.collider.tag == "Fountain" & Vector3.Distance(this.playerTransform.position, raycastHit.transform.position) < 15f & !this.gamePaused)) { this.reticle.SetActive(false); this.reticle2.SetActive(true); } else if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out raycastHit) && (raycastHit.collider.tag == "Hideable Locker" & Vector3.Distance(this.playerTransform.position, raycastHit.transform.position) < 15f & !this.gamePaused)) { this.reticle.SetActive(false); this.reticle2.SetActive(true); } else if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out raycastHit) && (raycastHit.collider.tag == "Number Button Wall" & Vector3.Distance(this.playerTransform.position, raycastHit.transform.position) < 15f & !this.gamePaused)) { this.reticle.SetActive(false); this.reticle2.SetActive(true); } else if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out raycastHit) && (raycastHit.collider.tag == "Vending Machine" & Vector3.Distance(this.playerTransform.position, raycastHit.transform.position) < 15f & !this.gamePaused)) { this.reticle.SetActive(false); this.reticle2.SetActive(true); } else { this.reticle.SetActive(true); this.reticle2.SetActive(false); } }

public AILocationSelectorScript AILocationSelector; public Collider playerCollider; //The player's collider public AudioClip aud_Teleport; //The sound that plays when you teleport public AudioClip aud_Crunch; //The sound that plays when the player eats something public AudioClip aud_DrinkWater; //The sound that plays when the player drinks water public AudioClip aud_SpitGum; //The sound that plays when the Player Spits Gum public AudioClip aud_EatPancake; //The sound that plays when the Player eats a Pancake

public GameObject bannedicon; public AudioClip banned; public AudioClip hebackpri; public AudioClip aud_EatIceCream;

public GameObject raremachine; //The gameobject for the rare machine public GameObject zeroprize; public GameObject cloudycopter; public GameObject testdithered;

public AudioClip pencilstab;

public AudioClip cloudyPAH;

public RandomCharSpawner rcs;

// Token: 0x040000AB RID: 171 public CursorControllerScript cursorController;

// Token: 0x040000AC RID: 172 public PlayerScript player;

// Token: 0x040000AD RID: 173 public Transform playerTransform;

// Token: 0x040000AE RID: 174 public Transform cameraTransform;

// Token: 0x040000AF RID: 175 public EntranceScript entrance_0;

// Token: 0x040000B0 RID: 176 public EntranceScript entrance_1;

// Token: 0x040000B1 RID: 177 public EntranceScript entrance_2;

// Token: 0x040000B2 RID: 178 public EntranceScript entrance_3;

// Token: 0x040000B3 RID: 179 public GameObject baldiTutor;

// Token: 0x040000B4 RID: 180 public GameObject baldi;

// Token: 0x040000B5 RID: 181 public BaldiScript baldiScrpt;

// Token: 0x040000B6 RID: 182 public AudioClip aud_Prize;

// Token: 0x040000B7 RID: 183 public AudioClip aud_AllNotebooks;

// Token: 0x040000B8 RID: 184 public GameObject principal; public GameObject principalson;

// Token: 0x040000B9 RID: 185 public GameObject crafters;

// Token: 0x040000BA RID: 186 public GameObject playtime;

// Token: 0x040000BB RID: 187 public PlaytimeScript playtimeScript;

// Token: 0x040000BC RID: 188 public GameObject gottaSweep;

// Token: 0x040000BD RID: 189 public GameObject bully;

// Token: 0x040000BE RID: 190 public GameObject firstPrize;

// Token: 0x040000BF RID: 191 public FirstPrizeScript firstPrizeScript;

// Token: 0x040000BE RID: 192 public GameObject clocker;

// Token: 0x040000BE RID: 193 public ClockerScript clockscript;

public GameObject beans; public BeansScript beansScript;

public GameObject kingofdoors; public KoDScript KingOfDoorsScript;

// Token: 0x040000C0 RID: 194 public GameObject quarter;

public GameObject dollar1; public GameObject dollar2; public GameObject dollar3;

// Token: 0x040000C1 RID: 195 public AudioSource tutorBaldi;

// Token: 0x040000C2 RID: 196 public string mode;

// Token: 0x040000C3 RID: 197 public int notebooks;

// Token: 0x040000C4 RID: 198 public GameObject[] notebookPickups;

// Token: 0x040000C5 RID: 199 public int failedNotebooks;

// Token: 0x040000C6 RID: 200 public float time;

// Token: 0x040000C7 RID: 201 public bool spoopMode;

// Token: 0x040000C8 RID: 202 public bool finaleMode;

// Token: 0x040000C9 RID: 203 public bool debugMode;

// Token: 0x040000CA RID: 204 public bool mouseLocked;

// Token: 0x040000CB RID: 205 public int exitsReached;

// Token: 0x040000CC RID: 206 public int itemSelected;

// Token: 0x040000CD RID: 207 public int[] item = new int[5];

// Token: 0x040000CE RID: 207 public RawImage[] itemSlot = new RawImage[5];

// Token: 0x040000CF RID: 208 private string[] itemNames = new string[] { "Nothing", "Energy flavored Zesty Bar", "Yellow Door Lock", "Principal's Keys", "BSODA", "Quarter", "Baldi Anti Hearing and Disorienting Tape", "Alarm Clock", "WD-NoSquee (Door Type)", "Safety Scissors", "Portable Tape Player", "Jimmy's Lost Pencil", "Handy Dollar", "Principal Ban-er", "Chewsi Speedy Bar", "Rare Teleporter", "Water Bottle", "Ice Cream", "Pancake", "A Piece of Gum", "Principal's Dollar" };

// Token: 0x040000D0 RID: 209 public Text itemText;

// Token: 0x040000D1 RID: 210 public UnityEngine.Object[] items = new UnityEngine.Object[10];

// Token: 0x040000D2 RID: 211 public Texture[] itemTextures = new Texture[10];

// Token: 0x040000D3 RID: 212 public GameObject bsodaSpray;

public GameObject PlayerGum;

// Token: 0x040000D4 RID: 213 public GameObject alarmClock;

// Token: 0x040000D4 RID: 214 public GameObject portTape;

// Token: 0x040000D5 RID: 215 public Text notebookCount;

// Token: 0x040000D6 RID: 216 public GameObject pauseText;

// Token: 0x040000D7 RID: 217 public GameObject highScoreText;

// Token: 0x040000D8 RID: 218 public GameObject baldiNod;

// Token: 0x040000D9 RID: 219 public GameObject baldiShake;

// Token: 0x040000DA RID: 220 public GameObject warning;

// Token: 0x040000DB RID: 221 public GameObject reticle; public GameObject reticle2;

// Token: 0x040000DC RID: 222 public RectTransform itemSelect;

// Token: 0x040000DD RID: 223 private int[] itemSelectOffset;

// Token: 0x040000DE RID: 224 private bool gamePaused;

// Token: 0x040000DF RID: 225 private bool learningActive;

// Token: 0x040000E0 RID: 226 private float gameOverDelay;

// Token: 0x040000E1 RID: 227 private AudioSource audioDevice;

// Token: 0x040000E2 RID: 228 public AudioClip aud_Soda;

// Token: 0x040000E3 RID: 229 public AudioClip aud_Spray;

// Token: 0x040000E4 RID: 230 public AudioClip aud_buzz;

// Token: 0x040000E5 RID: 231 public AudioClip aud_Hang;

// Token: 0x040000E6 RID: 232 public AudioClip aud_MachineQuiet;

// Token: 0x040000E7 RID: 233 public AudioClip aud_MachineStart;

// Token: 0x040000E8 RID: 234 public AudioClip aud_MachineRev;

// Token: 0x040000E9 RID: 235 public AudioClip aud_MachineLoop;

// Token: 0x040000EA RID: 236 public AudioClip aud_Switch;

// Token: 0x040000EB RID: 237 public AudioSource schoolMusic;

// Token: 0x040000EC RID: 238 public AudioSource learnMusic; }